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Agriculture Statistics
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Employment in the BC Agri-Food Chain: 1993-2002

1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Agriculture & Related Services* 34,300 30,700 25,600 30,100 33,200 33,100 28,600 29,700 25,900 30,100
Primary Fishing 6,300 6,200 4,500 5,100 5,400 3,500 3,800 4,700 5,400 3,300
Food & Beverage Processing 22,200 26,900 22,100 24,400 25,500 25,800 21,700 23,800 26,200 27,000
Food Service 86,100 93,100 106,000 111,200 113,000 117,100 116,600 123,800 124,200 129,200
Retail Food** 46,200 50,000 57,600 55,100 52,300 56,600 58,600 62,500 62,900 64,400
Specialized Retail (Health Food)*** 2,400 2,800 3,700 4,000 4,100 5,200 5,600 1,473 1,935 2,764
Floral & Garden Retail 3,900 3,900 5,000 4,500 5,300 3,600 4,500 3,600 4,100 4,500
Wholesale Trade (Farm & Food) 15,400 17,800 1,940 17,400 17,900 14,300 16,400 16,600 15,400 16,800
Transportation and Storage**** 4,100 3,500 3,500 3,300 3,200 3,200 2,800 2,700 1,200 1,531
Other Support Services ***** 1,500 1,800 2,200 1,300 400 400 400 400 300 684
Total 222,400 236,700 249,600 256,400 260,300 262,800 259,000 267,800 273,600 280,279
Total excluding Fishing 216,100 230,500 245,100 251,300 254,900 259,300 255,200 269,273 267,535 276,979
*Agriculture jobs include, 1,900 jobs in aquaculture [The North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) codes aquaculture within the agriculture industry].
**Includes vending machine operators
***Based on a BCMAFF survey of health food stores in 33 significant urban centres in British Columbia
****Based on a BCMAFF survey of grain and food hauling railways, food trucking and grain elevatores
*****Based on a BCMAFF survey of banks, credit unions, realtors, fertilizer/chemical manufacturers and leather/hide tanners.
Source: Except where noted, data are from NAICS coded industry statistics produced by Statistics Canada's Laborforce Survey and benchmarked to the 1996 Census that are produced by Statistics Canada's Labour Force Survey..

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