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Average Income Taxes Paid by Farmers by Farm Type, British Columbia
( Incorporated & Unincorporated Farms* ): 2001

Farm Type

Average Net
Federal Tax ($)

Average Net
Provincial Tax ($)

Average Federal
& Provincial Taxes ($)

Average Total
Payable ($)

Total Paid

# Farm

Dairy 3,744 1,806 5,550 6,217 6,196 1,470
Cattle 4,322 2,227 6,500 6,866 6,817 4,610
Hogs 2,432 1,179 3,611 4,201 4,179 160
Poultry & Eggs x x x x x 970
Other animal production 6,442 3,412 9,854 10,038 9,960 1,640
Grain & Oilseed 5,614 2,768 8,382 8,858 8,813 830
Vegetable and Melon farming 3,691 1,835 5,526 6,046 5,959 680
Potato Farming 4,885 2,316 7,201 7,706 7,694 120
Other vegetable (except potato) and melon farming 3,424 1,727 5,150 5,674 5,570 550
Greenhouse, Nursery & Floriculture 4,734 2,420 7,154 7,612 7,572 1,210
Other Crop Farming 4,319 2,193 6,512 6,969 6,935 1,380
All Farm Types 4,840 2,484 7,324 7,717 7,670 16,080
* Incorporated farms include only those farms with agricultural sales of $25,000+ and unincorporated farms include only farms with gross farm revenues of $10,000+
**These are distinct from farms in the foregoing revenue classes of which there are a total of 10,505 in B.C.
Note: Rows and columns may not add due to rounding.
Source: Statistics Canada, Whole Farm Database, Taxation Data.


Average Income Taxes Paid by Farmers by Farm Type, British Columbia
( Incorporated & Unincorporated Farms* ): 2002

Farm Type

Average Net
Federal Tax ($)

Average Net
Provincial Tax ($)

Average Federal
& Provincial Taxes ($)

Average Total
Payable ($)

Total Paid

# Farm

Dairy 3,919 1,625 5,544 66,242 6,215 1,360
Cattle 4,390 1,964 6,354 6,738 6,677 4,460
Hogs 3,094 1,287 4,381 4,843 4,805 160
Poultry & Eggs x x x x x 1,120
Other animal production 9,682 4,674 14,356 14,618 14,529 1,590
Grain & Oilseed 5,847 2,414 8,261 8,812 8,756 790
Vegetable and Melon farming 3,310 1,407 4,717 5,219 5,158 770
Potato Farming 5,323 2,271 7,594 8,293 8,256 110
Other vegetable (except potato) and melon farming 3,010 1,278 4,287 4,760 4,695 670
Greenhouse, Nursery & Floriculture 5,215 2,318 7,533 7,957 7,909 1,270
Other Crop Farming 4,120 1,808 5,928 6,103 6,046 1,420
All Farm Types 5,517 2,485 8,002 8,420 8,364 16,080
* Incorporated farms include only those farms with agricultural sales of $25,000+ and unincorporated farms include only farms with gross farm revenues of $10,000+
**These are distinct from farms in the foregoing revenue classes of which there are a total of 10,425 in B.C.
Note: Rows and columns may not add due to rounding.
Source: Statistics Canada, Whole Farm Database, Taxation Data.


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