Cross-government Aboriginal Programs and Services

(Listed by ministry, agency or commission.)

Ministry of Advanced Education

This site provides a broad range of post-secondary information, advice and resources to help Aboriginal students and educators. Website

Ministry of Children and Family Development

The ministry offers numerous services; Adoption, Foster Care, Early Childhood Development and Child Care, Child and Youth Mental Health, Youth Justice and Youth Services, Special Needs Children & Youth and Adult Community Living Services. Website

Aboriginal Child and Family Development' provides information on MCFD working with BC Aboriginal leaders and their communities to plan for the establishment of five Aboriginal regional authorities to deliver services for Aboriginal children & families. Website

Ministry of Community Services

The purpose of the Local Government - First Nation Relations Program is to facilitate and support the building of harmonious and productive relationships between local governments and First Nations. Website

Ministry of Economic Development

The ministry has a number of initiatives to help increase First Nations' participation and prosperity in British Columbia's economy. For more information, click on the link to the ministry's goals, objectives and strategies as they relate to Aboriginal people and First Nations. Website

Ministry of Education

This site contains useful information for everyone interested or involved in Aboriginal education. Website

Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance

This site has information on the ministry's Bridging Employment Program. Website

Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

The Aboriginal Relations Branch coordinates ministry policy and practices in the areas of treaty and operational support, interim measures and non-treaty initiatives with First Nations, policy development, as well as crisis and issues management as it relates to Aboriginal affairs. Website

Ministry of Environment

The ministry negotiates collaborative agreements with First Nations, including matters such as park planning, capacity building, and creating a forum for government and First Nations to discuss issues of common interest. Website

Ministry of Forests and Range

The Aboriginal Affairs Branch within the Ministry of Forests and Range provides leadership in developing forestry-related policies and economic opportunities for First Nations. It also ensures existing Aboriginal rights and current case law are acknowledged and respected in ministry legislation, programs and day-to-day business. Website

Ministry of Health

The Aboriginal Health Branch provides an Aboriginal lens for policy development, and expertise across ministries on issues affecting the health of Aboriginal people. Website

Tourism, Sport and the Arts

The ministry has various programs including:

The ministry works and provides grants to Aboriginal Tourism BC Website

The Sport Branch provides Aboriginal programs Website

The Archaeology Branch Website

BC Hydro


Oil and Gas Commission
