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Shellfish Aquaculture

Application Documents

The following documents should be reviewed prior to submitting your application:

Additional documents available from the Shellfish office:

  • Application for a Commercial Aquaculture Licence
  • Application Guide for Aquaculture Projects in Canada
  • Marine Foreshore Assessment Procedures
What is Shellfish Aquaculture?

Shellfish Aquaculture is defined administratively as the commercial seeding, growing and harvesting of marine molluscs, and shellfish, or other invertebrates in a natural or manufactured environment.

The Shellfish Development Initiative

Shellfish farming offers long-term, environmentally friendly economic growth and jobs for coastal communities.

In 1998 the provincial government launched the Shellfish Development Initiative to double the shellfish industry's land base to ensure growth.

Crown land for this purpose can only be acquired through tenures from the Province of British Columbia (the Province).

As part of the Shellfish Aquaculture Development Program, a Shellfish Unit was established in Nanaimo, with staff dedicated to the Shellfish Tenure Program.

The Shellfish Unit works with communities, First Nations, various government agencies and industry in planning responsible land use and developing environmental standards and practice.

An innovative one-window service model has been developed resulting in applications for Crown land tenures and the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands Shellfish Aquaculture Licences being processed at one location by one provincial approving office.

In addition, the Province is currently working with Fisheries and Oceans Canada to develop a combined federal/provincial application package.

Who May Apply?

New applications are only being accepted for tenures within an area where a community consultation process to determine shellfish suitability has been completed.

An applicant must also meet the following criteria:

  • a Canadian citizen or permanent resident 19 years of age or over;
  • a corporation registered in B. C. or incorporated under Canadian law;
  • a registered partnership; or
  • a non-Canadian who owns the adjacent upland.
Why Do I Need a Tenure?

A Land Act tenure and a Fisheries Act Aquaculture Licence must be obtained from the Shellfish Unit before a shellfish operation can be developed. Only after a tenure and licence have been secured may the operator proceed with:

  • building floating or permanent structures for feed;
  • constructing equipment storage; preparing for harvesting activities;
  • setting up environmental monitoring stations,
  • developing processing facilities; and
  • building other related infrastructure on aquatic lands and upland areas.
How Do I Apply for a Shellfish Aquaculture Tenure?

Once a community consultation process has been completed in a specific area, the Province notifies the public that applications can be submitted for tenures in the specified area.

Applicants are asked to identify a site that is suitable for their needs within that area and complete an application package.

Applicants for new tenures and tenure expansions must provide:

  • a Shellfish Management Plan;
  • an Application for Commercial Aquaculture Licence;
  • a Community Criteria Package (if applicable);
  • any additional information requested in the Application Guide for Aquaculture Projects;
  • a complete Marine Environmental Assessment of your application; and
  • standard forms, including the application for Crown land and the economic impact questionnaire.

A successful Shellfish Management Plan must contain:

  • a description of the type of development proposed;
  • timing of the capital development / time required to set up the operation;
  • type of shellfish to be produced;
  • projected production levels;
  • for an expansion application, a single plan for the expanded tenure. This plan must also include the existing tenure.
Will I Pay Fees?

An Application Fee, as identified in the Land Tenure Purpose and Application Fees schedule (effective June 1, 2003), must be submitted with the application.

For an expansion tenure, see Land Tenure and Water Licence Miscellaneous Fees schedule (effective June 1, 2003).

How Are Rents Determined?

Annual Crown land rents reflect BC Assessment land values as agreed to in consultations with industry and defined in land policy.

Land value is determined by a variety of factors including site biological information.

  • During the initial 5-year period, the rental is 1% for both new and expansion tenures.
  • Depending on the type of tenure, in the fifth year the rent is either 4% or 5% of the land value.

Rents are payable to the Minister of Finance as specified in the tenure documents. Failure to pay constitutes a breach of the contract and can lead to cancellation of tenure.

Making Your Application

The most common reason for delay is submission of an incomplete application, which is then returned to the applicant.

To ensure an application is processed as quickly as possible be sure to complete all the required documents identified in the Requirements Checklist (138kb) and submit the required Application Fee.

To complete an application, In addition to the documents in the Requirements Checklist, two additional forms are required:

  • Application Instructions; and
  • Community Application for New Shellfish Aquaculture Tenures.

These can only be downloaded from the invitation web page of an open application area.

Since a shellfish aquaculture application can be complex, please contact the Shellfish office for more information. Remember that an application may only be made for an area open to shellfish aquaculture.

If your application is accepted, you will be notified if Advertising (147kb) is required. Please wait for confirmation before advertising.

If you have questions regarding any aspect of the application process or any of the land tenure programs, contact



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