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Welcome To ILRR ILRR

About this Service

The Integrated Land and Resource Registry (ILRR) is a spatially enabled, comprehensive register of legal interests, rights, designations, and administrative boundaries on Crown land. It also has information on land and resource restrictions and reservations (e.g. Parks) and locations of private land.

Getting Started

To use this service you require:

  • Public Users - MyID user id and password to logon as a Guest User. The initial logon requires the selection of the How to get a MyID link, to register for a MyID.
  • Internal Government Users - your IDIR user id & password to Logon to ILRR
  • External Business Users - all businesses and organizations within BC, your BCeId user id & password to Logon to ILRR

Contacting ILRR

If you're experiencing any difficulties while using ILRR, please contact us:

In Victoria call our Help Desk: 250 952-ILRR (4577)
To access toll free from within BC call Enquiry BC:
(ask to be connected to ILRR Help Desk)
1 800 663-7867
E-Mail address:

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