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Financing: Canada-BC Infrastucture Program
Canada-British Columbia Infrastructure Program information and applications

Corporate income tax information bulletins

Intellectual Property
The primary licensing body for all B.C. Government-owned intellectual property

Liquor Licensing
Forms and fees for liquor control and licencing

Consumer Services
How to prevent and deal with consumer problems.

Youth 4H Development Programs
Leadership and training programs provided by the BCMAFF Youth Development Programs.

Importing and Exporting
Information, counselling, market intelligence, financial assistance and on-the-ground support for export ventures

Building Access Handbook
Building access requirements for persons with disabilities

Publications Index
A searchable index of government publications and forms

Business Topics
Doing Business with Government
Exploring Economic Development
Licensing and Registration
Managing a Business
Starting a Business
Business FAQs
How can I tell if a business is registered with Worker's Compensation Board?
What rules apply to children in films?
How do employment standards apply to my business?
Are there any restrictions around advertising?
Where can I found out more about agriculture?
How can I file my annual report online?

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