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Multiculturalism Index
A Guide to Aboriginal Organizations and Services in British Columbia
Aboriginal Friendship Centre Programs
Assists Friendship Centres with the hiring of Program Directors, who deliver a range of social and recreational programming to Aboriginal people living in urban areas.
Aboriginal Friendship Centres
Contact information for the British Columbia Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres.
Advisory Council on Multiculturalism
People from across B.C. who are dedicated to promoting multiculturalism.
B.C. Newcomers' Guide to Services and Resources
B.C. newcomers' guide to available services and resources such as jobs, driving, education and more.
Francophone Affairs
Request a subscription for electronic updates from the francophone portal.
Heritage, Language and Culture Program (First Citizens Fund)
Promotes the preservation and revitalization of Aboriginal languages in British Columbia.
Multiculturalism Week
Provides funding to non-profit organizations for Multiculturalism Week projects and events and assists with event planning.
Multiculturalism and Immigration Programs Department
Policy and program development for multiculturalism and immigration.
Newcomers' Guide to Resources and Services
The British Columbia Newcomers' Guide to Resources and Services is available online in English, French, Korean, Punjabi and Chinese.
Transportation Program for Elders (First Citizens Fund)
Provides partial funding to elders for transportation costs related to heritage, cultural and educational workshops and conferences.
Treaty Negotiations
This office has primary responsibility for land claim settlements in B.C.
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