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Systems of Support Topics
A comprehensive list of online resources

Housing Index
B.C. Housing
Housing assistance information for low and moderate income families.
BC Hydro Customer Service
BC Hydro payment options, online account, moving information, outage information, BC Gas rates, adding, changing or removing BC Hydro services.
Building Access Handbook
Building access requirements for persons with disabilities
Building Policy
Building safety and accessibility.
Home Owner Grant
Home owner grants information, qualifications and forms, and bulletin update subscriptions.
Homeowner Protection Office: Publications and Forms
Strengthens consumer protection for buyers of new homes, research and education toimprove quality of residential construction in B.C. Administers no-interest repair loan program and PST Relief Grant for owners of leaky homes.
Land Title Branch
Provides registration of title, land title searches, and copies of documents and survey plans.
Residential Tenancy Office
The Residential Tenancy Office provides landlords and tenants with information and dispute resolution services.
Strata Property Act
Strata property information, Acts and Regulations.
Subsidized Housing
Information on how to apply for subsidized housing.
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