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A comprehensive list of online resources

History Index
Programs that encourage and facilitate the protection, conservation and public appreciation of B.C.'s archaeological resources.
Archives: Amazing Time Machine
Go back in time to find historical documents and images from B.C.'s past.
B.C. Heritage
Introduction to the facilities and services available at any one of the 13 B.C. Heritage historic sites where public programs are presented.
BC Archives
The central archives service for the government of B.C. provides research access to records of enduring value to the province for the provincial government and the public
BC Archives Textual Records
Catalogue of textual records at the BC Archives.
BC Archives Visual Records
BC images: over 60,000 images available online.
BC Archives: Online Registry of Historical Births, Deaths and Marriages
Limited release date birth, marriage, and death registrations search.
Lieutenant-Governor - Government House
Historical and tour information, news releases, photographs, protocol and role information, volunteer opportunity forms, calendar of events etc. for the Office of the Lieutenant-Governor.
Parliament Building Tour Bookings
B.C.Parliament Buildings tour booking form.
Royal BC Museum
Enjoy the exhibits and programs at the Royal BC Museum.
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