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Local Government News

A View of Prince George on a Beautiful Fall Day
A View of Prince George on a Beautiful Fall Day

The Green Municipal Fund Makes New Energy Project Funding Available to Municipal Governments
The Federation of Canadian Municipalities launched a new Green Municipal Fund (GMF) funding opportunity in the energy sector for municipal governments and municipal energy utilities on February 8, 2006. Through the Energy Request for Proposals (RFP) process, GMF will award funds totaling approximately $20 million in low interest rate loans and $2 million in grants.

Regional District of Central Okanagan Reduces Fire Fuels by Incinerating Pine Beetle Infested Trees
The RDCO has begun a major project to reduce fire fuels in Mission Creek Regional Park by leasing a portable air curtain burning device that burns green wood efficiently and produces much less smoke than if it was burned in an open fire. The money to lease the burner is part of almost $112,000 in funding from the Ministry of Forests Protection Branch (administered through the Union of BC Municipalities) for fire hazard abatement.

Coquitlam Launches 20% Physical Activity Challenge
The City of Coquitlam is joining other municipalities across the province in working with 2010 Legacies Now and the Provincial Government to help meet the target of increasing physical activity amongst its citizens and employees by 20% by 2010.

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Saturday, February 11
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