Canada-British Columbia
Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund
Improving the quality of life and economic opportunities for smaller communities Français

About the Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (CBCMRIF)
The federal, provincial and local governments are investing more than $150 million in British Columbia for infrastructure projects under the Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Agreement, officially signed on June 19, 2006. The federal and provincial governments will each contribute up to one-third or $51 million of the total program funds. The remainder of funds will come from the local governments. The federal and provincial contribution towards non-green projects will each be capped at a maximum of $1 million.

The application process for accessing funding under the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund began on October 12, 2006 and ended January 31, 2007.  Applications for funding under the CBCMRIF are no longer accepted.

Under the initial CBCMRIF Agreement signed in June 2006, the federal and provincial governments each committed $51 million to the fund, with participating local governments expected to match this amount. This year, Canada’s New Government and the Province of British Columbia have each provided an additional $23.5 million to the Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund as part of their commitment to help smaller communities meet their pressing infrastructure needs. This additional funding brings the total federal and provincial investment and matching local government contribution in CBCMRIF projects to over $220 million.


Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Partners:

Government of Canada
  Infrastructure Canada
  Western Economic Diversification Canada
Government of British Columbia
  Ministry of Economic Development,
Infrastructure Development Branch
  Ministry of Community Services,
Local Government Infrastructure & Finance
Union British Columbia Municipalities

For additional information on the
Canada-British Columbia Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund, Contact Us.

Popular Links:

Bridge Creek Sewer Line Crossing, 100 Mile House



Langley Grandstand, Langley