Ministry of Economic Development

2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Secretariat
• Marketing and Promoting British Columbia
Enhancing Economic Development

On-the-Ground Regional Economic Services Program

One of the key goals of the Ministry is that all British Columbians live in prosperous regions and are able to achieve their economic potential.

The Regional Economic Development Branch’s primary objective is to advance economic growth and enhanced business competitiveness in every sector and region.

The Ministry launched the On-the-Ground Regional Economic Services program in November 2003 with placing economic development staff in Nanaimo, Cranbrook, Prince George, Kamloops, and Smithers. To support these staff, professional business development consultants have been engaged to carry out specific projects on behalf of the Ministry.

The regional staff are contacts for investors, local governments, and MLAs, to assist in the identification of business opportunities, and project development and to identify barriers to investment

The regional staff advocate for investors, finding creative solutions to provincial policy or regulatory problems, and work closely with other provincial and federal agencies at a local and regional level.  The interventions by regional staff results in shorter time frames for government decisions, clears road-blocks, and as a result, investments flow sooner and projects start sooner.  Investors feel more welcome doing business in British Columbia, and provincial agencies are more coordinated on specific projects.