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2005 CAIS Interim Applications

Interim Applications for the 2005 Stabilization year
are now available from the CAIS Administration.

The CAIS program is designed to help producers protect their farming operations from both small and large drops in income. The Interim Application is for producers who are aware that they are facing an income decline in the 2005 program year and wish to receive 2005 program year assistance earlier than normally available. A program participant cannot receive a full CAIS payment until the 2005 program year is complete. However, by using the Interim Application, a participant can have their 2005 income and expenses estimated by the administration and receive a portion of this payment early. If the estimated program year margin declines by 15% or more relative to the reference margin, the participant may be eligible for an interim payment from CAIS.

To be eligible to receive assistance through the Interim Application, a participant must
(in the 2005 program year):

  1. Have completed a minimum of six consecutive months of farming activity;

  2. Have completed a production cycle;

  3. Have selected a protection level for the 2005 program year; and

  4. Be farming in Canada and reporting farming income as an individual, a corporation/co-operative, or a trust/communal organization to the Canada Revenue Agency.

As for Item 4, if they are a Status Indian who is farming on a reserve in Canada and do not file tax returns, they are eligible for CAIS provided they submit information they would have otherwise reported for tax purposes for program and reference years.

Requirements 1) and 2) may be waived if, in the opinion of the Administration, they could not be completed for reasons beyond your control and enough information exists to make a reasonable estimate of your income.

Forms and Guides may be obtained by writing:

The CAIS Program Administration
P.O. Box 3200 Station Main
Winnipeg, MB
R3C 5R7

Toll free: 1-866-367-8506
Fax: 1-204-983-3947

Those with access to the Internet can obtain more information from the CAIS Website

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