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A comprehensive list of online resources

Distance Education Index
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Canadian University Distance Education Directory
Universities offering distance education courses in Canada, published by the Canadian Association for University Continuing Education.
Capilano College
Capilano College students may now complete the Paralegal/Legal Assistant Part-time Certificate program entirely over the Internet. The course content and structure of the program generally mirrors the part-time certificate program currently offered to students who can attend classes in person.
College of the Rockies
College of the Rockies currently offers almost 40 online courses in academic, administrative, upgrading and safety specialties; as well as 160 continuing education courses. Several programs can be completed entirely online.
Douglas College
Emily Carr Institute
Justice Institute of BC
Kwantlen University College
Innovative technologies to enable students to interact with faculty and classmates and to access course material and resources via the Web.
Malaspina University-College
Malaspina on-line courses provide flexible high-quality instruction and content that fit your lifestyle. We offer over 30 academic courses and six different certificates and diplomas online, plus over 200 non-credit on-line courses through Continuing Education. Whenever and wherever you have access to a computer and an internet connection, Malaspina on-line learning community is here to support you.
North Island College
Online learning is an option for students who wish to learn in their own environment using technology and/or the Internet.
Northwest Community College
NWCC's online offerings include numerous CE courses, a range of fully transferable University Credit courses as well as a complete Business Technology program that prepares students for general and specialized administrative support positions.
Open School Courses and Resources
Open School's online courses and registration forms available through an interactive delivery environment.
Royal Roads University
Royal Roads University offers short on-campus residencies combined with Internet-based distance education for those who wish to continue working or living in their home community while pursuing post-secondary education.
Simon Fraser University
Thompson Rivers University
TRU offers over 60 undergraduate and graduate level university programs and some 400 individual courses through distance and online learning, including several degree programs designed to allow diploma graduates to complete their bachelors degree.
University College of the Fraser Valley
UCFV has been offering online courses since 1994 as a means of providing alternate access to those in our traditional geographic region and beyond who have work, family or lifestyle commitments that have been barriers to learning. Over 10,000 people have participated in various courses and workshops to date. UCFV online courses are taught by regular faculty and can be used as credit towards a certificate, diploma or degree.
University of Northern British Columbia
UNBC provides a variety of courses and full degree-completion opportunities for students studying online or in our regional campuses throughout northern B.C.
University of Victoria
UVic offers a wide selection of online programs for learners who prefer to use flexible methods of learning which allow them freedom as to when and where they study. These include 4 graduate and 3 undergraduate programs, 3 diploma programs and 18 certificate programs.
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