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American Spelling Usage


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American Spelling Usage

The Healthwise® Knowledgebase currently uses American spelling for some content. The BC Ministry of Health, Healthwise Incorporated and health professionals in British Columbia continue to review and modify the Knowledgebase to reflect Canadian spelling conventions.

When using the Search function, please keep this in mind as some terms may still reflect American spelling. For example, a search for "orthopaedist" will return no matches for the enquiry; whereas using the American spelling "orthopedist" returns several matches.

Tip: Use the Alpha list in the Knowledgebase to assist you if your search results in No Matches. Using the above example, select "O" and then "OR" in the Alpha list and scroll down until you reach Orthopedic. For a full listing of the topics available, you now have the spelling that you can enter into the search filed.


BC HealthGuide OnLine Bookmarks and Favourites

For quick references, you can bookmark or add to your Favourites list the sections of the Knowledgebase you want to return to by simply clicking on the "Bookmark Page" link found at the top of each page.


How to Enlarge Fonts

The following website offers step-by-step instructions on how to set your fonts through your browser:



Screen Resolution and Browser

This site is best viewed at a screen resolution of 800 x 600 using Netscape Navigator Version 6.0 and above or Internet Explorer Version 5.5 and above.


Technical Tips


Some government Web sites may distribute small pieces of information called "cookies" to web browsers to assist you when returning to specific areas of the site. If you have concerns, you can change your Web browser to not accept this information, or to display warning messages instead.

Users should be aware that if their browser has been configured to not accept "cookies", the performance of the web site may be affected.


The BC HealthGuide website uses a technology called Javascript that enables users to navigate the site. If you have configured you browser to "turn off" Javascripting, you may experience some loss of function. For example, the "Go back to…" menu within the Knowledgebase files may not work if your browser does not accept Javascripting.

Please note - should you require assistance in making changes to your web browser, you must contact your Internet Service Provider or browser vendor directly for assistance.


Certain elements of the BC HealthGuide website use Macromedia Flash. To download the most recent version, visit the download section of the Macromedia website.

Printer Friendly

If you have a firewall installed on your pc and you are experiencing difficulty using the printer friendly option, this may be due to the configuration of your firewall.


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