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Medication Library

Welcome to the medication library - prescription drug information available on BC HealthGuide. This is your source of information on Canadian prescription drugs approved by Health Canada. Coverage of these prescription drugs varies by each province and their drug plans. The medication library may list some drugs that are not covered under BC PharmaCare.

Your doctor may prescribe for you some of the medications listed in the library. Find information on the following topics and more:

  • How your medication works
  • When and how to take your medication
  • Possible side effects of the medication
  • Which medications may cause an adverse reaction and should not be taken at the same time

The medication library is updated as new information becomes available and is powered by MediResourceTM.

BC PharmaCare

BC's PharmaCare program is one of the most comprehensive in Canada, providing universal coverage for every British Columbian. It subsidizes eligible drugs and designated medical supplies under the following plans:
  • Fair PharmaCare-Income-based assistance for BC residents
  • Plan B-Permanent residents of licensed long-term care facilities
  • Plan C-Individuals receiving BC Income Assistance
  • Plan D-Individuals registered with a provincial Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
  • Plan F-Children enrolled in the At-Home program of the Ministry of Children and Family Development
  • Plan G-No-Charge Psychiatric Medication Program
  • Plan P-BC Palliative Care Drug Program
For information on Fair PharmaCare and the other plans, visit the websites for PharmaCare and Health Insurance BC.

Drug Review Process

BC's PharmaCare program provides British Columbians with access to safe and effective prescription drugs, with coverage based on expert reviews and scientific evidence. It also continues to ensure that cost-effective drugs are prescribed and drug waste is reduced. This supports the delivery of integrated, quality health care for patients.

A manufacturer can apply to have a drug approved by Health Canada. Once a drug has been approved for sale in Canada, a manufacturer can apply to have a drug listed on the BC PharmaCare formulary.

New drugs must first be reviewed by the Common Drug Review. This independent, national review provides listing recommendations to BC PharmaCare and other drug benefit plans in Canada. In BC, all other drugs undergo a review by the Therapeutics Initiative - an independent expert committee at the University of British Columbia.

The results of the reviews are submitted to PharmaCare's Drug Benefit Committee. This committee considers the expert reviews and the following factors to decide whether to list the drug:

  • Safety issues
  • Clinical effectiveness and health outcomes
  • Value for money compared to current treatment(s) for patients
  • Budget impacts of listing the drug
If approved, a drug may be listed under the following options:
  • Regular benefit
  • Restricted benefit: A patient must meet clinical criteria to qualify for coverage under special authority approval
  • Partial benefit: An equivalent drug is available at a lower cost
  • Non-benefit
Under the special authority process, PharmaCare considers providing coverage for some drugs that otherwise would not be fully funded. A doctor submits the request on behalf of a patient. PharmaCare may consider coverage for individuals who do not meet the special authority criteria, under exceptional clinical circumstances and case by case.

More Information

If you have questions about a health concern or medication, call BC NurseLine to speak to a registered nurse 24/7 or a pharmacist from 5 p.m. to 9 a.m. every day - with translation services in over 130 languages.

Toll-free in BC 1-866-215-4700
In Greater Vancouver 604-215-4700
Deaf and hearing-impaired 1-866-889-4700

Health Canada

For information on drug recalls and warnings, visit Health Canada's website.


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