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Drought Management Checklist

 The following checklist can assist in making both long-term and day-to-day decisions related to drought.
Consider each item as you make management decisions related to drought conditions on your farm; then follow the links for further production and management information related to each question.

Drought management decisions - spring
Have I checked the current and long-term weather forecast for my area?
Is there adequate soil moisture to seed at this time?
Have I selected the most appropriate crops to seed for current moisture and market conditions?
Do I have alternate plans in place for feeding livestock if spring pasture production is poor?
Do I have adequate production insurance coverage?

Learn more about drought-related management decisions you can make in the spring.

Drought management decisions - summer
If I need emergency hay or grain, or extra pasture, have I made arrangements to get it?
Have I considered alternate uses for my crops?
Have I secured a dependable water source?
Have I appropriately adjusted production inputs to reflect current moisture and market conditions?
Am I monitoring the weather forecast?
Should I consider reducing livestock inventory?
Have I checked with federal and provincial government agencies for information on support programs that may provide financial support during a drought?
Have I noticed any signs of stress in myself or my family?

Learn more about drought-related management decisions you can make in the summer.

Drought management decisions - fall
Have I used proper soil moisture conservation techniques this fall to improve growing conditions for next spring?
Have I appropriately adjusted harvest and post harvest inputs to reflect current moisture and market conditions?
Do I have adequate feed and water stores to maintain my herd through the winter?
Should I consider reducing my livestock inventory?
Have I checked the current and long-term weather forecast for my area?

Learn more about drought-related management decisions you can make in the fall.

Drought management decisions - winter
Have I checked the long-range forecast for winter precipitation in my area?
Am I gathering information to make informed production decisions for the spring?
Have I made plans to adjust spring range and pasture management for drought conditions?
Have I honestly gauged the effects of drought and the resulting financial and mental stress on my family and taken steps to deal with it?

Learn more about drought-related management decisions you can make in the winter.

Year-round drought management decisions
Am I using appropriate soil moisture management?
Have I considered all reasonable options for long-term water conservation and riparian management?
Am I using appropriate long-term range and pasture management?
Do I have adequate on-farm water storage?
Is my marketing plan up-to-date, and do I have or need a contingency plan?
Am I informed of climate and weather patterns in my area?

Other Documents in the Series

  Year-Round Drought Management Decisions
Drought Management Decisions - Spring
Drought Management Decisions - Summer
Drought Management Decisions - Fall
Drought Management Decisions - Winter
Drought Management Checklist - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Marcia Hewitt-Fisher.
This document is maintained by Isabel Simons-Everett.
This information published to the web on June 15, 2001.
Last Reviewed/Revised on April 25, 2006.

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