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Campbell and Mike de Jong hold a news conference at the Canadian Consulate September 30, 2002

Premier Gordon Campbell meets with U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney September 30, 2002

Campbell receives standing ovation at the Unions of B.C. Municipalities September 26, 2002

Premier Campbell speaks to the Association of Washington Business. September 26, 2002
Premier Campbell speaks to the Association of Washington Business about the importance of B.C.'s economic relationship with Washington state, which is the destination for one fifth of B.C.'s total international exports.

Premier Campbell speaks at the policy summit in Semiahmoo. September 26, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell speaks at the Association of Washington Business's policy summit in Semiahmoo on building a stronger economy. The association, Washington State's oldest and largest business organization, invited the Premier to talk about the provincial government's actions to revitalize B.C.'s economy by building a more competitive business climate. The meeting was held Sept. 26, 2002.

Olympic gold medals at the 2002 UBCM conference in Whistler, B.C. September 26, 2002
Premier Campbell displays two Olympic gold medals at the 2002 UBCM conference in Whistler, B.C.

Union of British Columbia Municipalities in Whistler. September 26, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell speaks to more than 1,000 delegates at the annual conference of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities in Whistler on Sept. 26, 2002.

17th annual AIDS Walk. September 22, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell speaks to participants in the 17th annual AIDS Walk before joining the record-setting 7,000 people who gathered in Vancouver's Stanley Park on Sept. 22, 2002, for the walk, which raised a total of $404,000. This year, the province is providing over $10 million to HIV/AIDS groups and $30 million to the drug program at the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. It is also funding the new Dr. Peter Centre and has put a monthly nutritional supplement in place, responding to HIV/AIDS advocacy groups.

Premier Campbell with Vancouver-Burrard MLA Lorne Mayencourt September 22, 2002

Glen Hillsons cuts the traditional ribbon to start the AIDS Walk September 22, 2002

Premier Gordon Campbell and Minister of Health Services Colin Hansen September 20, 2002

Campbell addresses a crowd 200 start of construction of the Dr. Peter Centre September 20, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell addresses a crowd of 200 celebrating the start of construction of the Dr. Peter Centre on Sept. 20, 2002, in Vancouver. The centre will combine a 900-square-metre day centre with 22 supportive living units for people with HIV/AIDS. Combining supportive housing with an HIV/AIDS dayprogram is a first in Canada. The provincial government will provide $4.3 million for operating subsidies to the Dr. Peter Centre over 35 years as part of the provincial housing program. [news release].

An artist’s rendition of the new Dr. Peter Centre September 20, 2002

Premier Gordon Campbell flips a pink pancake September 17, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell flips a pink pancake at the launch of the 11th CIBC Run for the Cure, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s largest annual fundraiser for breast cancer research, education, diagnosis and treatment. The premier’s pancake topped off a giant edible ribbon made of pink pancakes that organizers hope will be entered in the Guinness Book of Records. The Sept. 17, 2002, launch at B.C. Place Stadium kicked off the campaign leading up to the run, scheduled for Oct. 6 across most of Canada. Victoria is the one exception: the run will take place there on Oct. 20 because of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee visit.

Premier Campbell with the stack of pink pancakes 11th CIBC Run for the Cure September 17, 2002

Premier Gordon Campbell joins in a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sept. 13, 2002 September 13, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell joins in a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sept. 13, 2002, at Nikkei Home, a 59-unit supportive living development for seniors in Burnaby. More than 400 people celebrated the home's opening, including (l-r) Burnaby-Willingdon MLA John Nuraney; George Oikawa, vice-president of the Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society; Minister of State for Intermediate, Long Term and Home Care Katherine Whittred; the Premier; Senator Mobina Jaffer; and George Abbott, minister responsible for housing. [news release].

Premier Gordon Campbell, Senator Mobina Jaffer and George Abbott September 13, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell, Senator Mobina Jaffer and George Abbott, minister responsible for housing, present George Oikawa, vice-president of the Nikkei Seniors Health Care and Housing Society, with a plaque to celebrate the opening of Nikkei Home in Burnaby. The supportive living development combines housing and services to help seniors with low to moderate incomes keep their independence, bridging the gap between home care and residential care.

Premier Gordon Campbell speaks at a ceremony on Sept. 9, 2002. September 9, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell speaks at a ceremony on Sept. 9, 2002, marking the signing of an agreement between the province and aboriginal leaders that will allow more aboriginal children to grow up and flourish in their own culture. A memorandum of understanding has established a committee, representing all major aboriginal organizations as well as the province. Its 14 members will make decisions about the safety and well-being of aboriginal children and families as the government transfers child protection and family development resources and services to regional authorities. [news release]

Premier Campbell takes part in a cedars ceremony conducted by Willie Seymour of September 9, 2002

Premier Campbell poses with all of the signatories. September 9, 2002

Premier Campbell announcing the new agreement with aboriginal leaders. September 9, 2002

Lt.-Gov. Campagnolo speaking at opening ceremony Simon Fraser University September 9, 2002
Lt.-Gov. Iona Campagnolo speaking at the ceremony opening Simon Fraser University’s new Surrey campus, which incorporates the best of programs offered at the former TechBC.

A ceremony to open Simon Fraser University’s new Surrey campus September 9, 2002
A ceremony to open Simon Fraser University’s new Surrey campus begins Sept. 9, 2002, with the skirl of bagpipes. Attending from the university were SFU president Michael Stevenson and student David Brokenshire, along with other academics (left). Premier Gordon Campbell and Advanced Education Minister Shirley Bond, represented the province (right). [news release]

Premier Gordon Campbell and Lt.-Gov. Iona Campagnolo. September 9, 2002
Premier Gordon Campbell and Lt.-Gov. Iona Campagnolo smile and applaud as the sign for SFU’s new Surrey campus is unveiled. The campus is a part of government’s commitment to double the annual number of graduates in computer science and electrical and computer engineering.

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