Resource Summary

The Resource Summary outlines the estimated net expenditures by core business area, as well as Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) allocations.

Operating Expenses, FTEs and Other Financing Transactions
Ministry of Labour and Citizens’ Services

Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Labour Programs 15,689 15,831 15,831 15,831
Citizens’ Services
Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses 22,270 23,066 23,068 23,068
Shared Services BC 131,778 133,394 119,497 119,498
Service Transformation 1,809 9,822 10,132 1,741
Governance 11,870 12,879 12,879 12,879
*Executive and Support Services 8,444 10,773 10,736 10,740
Total 191,860 205,765 192,143 183,757
Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
Labour Programs 422 403 367 367
Citizens’ Services
Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses 364 364 364 364
Shared Services BC 965 1,233 1,233 1,233
Service Transformation 21 23 23 22
Governance 89 95 95 95
*Executive and Support Services 64 51 51 51
Total 1,925 2,169 2,133 2,132
Ministry Capital Expenditures
Labour Programs 3,512 3,161 3,161 3,161
Citizens’ Services
Service Delivery to Citizens and Businesses 1,633 777 777 2,047
Shared Services BC 74,853 129,349 94,609 79,542
Service Transformation 50 0 0 0
Governance 410 1,619 719 719
*Executive and Support Services 6 6 6 6
Total 80,464 134,912 99,272 85,475

Funding for Corporate Services (Strategic Human Resource Services, Information Management and Financial Administration) are reported in Ministry of Finance Service Plan.
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