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Agroforestry Strategic Plan 2003 (641K) pdf
Ecological description and classification of some pine mushroom (Tricholoma magnivelare) habitat in British Columbia, Berch, Shannon M., and Al M. Wiensczyk. 2001 html
Farm Practices in B.C. Reference Guide pdf
Seeing the forest beneath the trees: the social and economic potential of non-timber forest products and services in the Queen Charlotte Islands/Haida Gwaii,  Tedder, Sinclair, Darcy Mitchell, and Ramsay Farran. 2000.   html
Property rights in the sustainable management of non-timber forest products, Tedder, Sinclair, Ann Hillyer, and Darcy Mitchell. 2002. html
Enterprise Budgets - Planning for Profit: Specialty Crops & Herbs html
A Guide to Agroforestry in BC html

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