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Industry Overview

Agroforestry is defined as a land use system that involves the deliberate retention, introduction or mixing of trees or other plants into crop and animal production systems in order to increase profitability, sustainability, protection of the environment and social acceptance.

Agroforestry is:

  • Intentional - designed and managed for a planned result
  • Intensive - all components are intensively managed
  • Integrated - a blend of agriculture, forestry and environmental science
  • Interactive - designed to minimize negative and maximize positive interactions between trees, other crops and livestock.

Agroforestry practices are divided into groups of similar agroforestry activities or crop combinations that can be integrated into farms and woodlands.

  • Forest Farming
  • Alley Cropping
  • Silvopasture and
  • Buffers (Buffers include Integrated Riparian Management; Windbreaks, Shelterbelts and Boundary Plantings; Community Greenways and Urban Buffers).

The Agroforesty Industry Development Trust Fund will be part of the Agri-Food Futures Fund (AFFF). The AFFF is a trust fund supported by federal and provincial governments with an initial capitalization of $13.5 million. Fourteen different industry groups have been invited to enroll, Contact includes: Chair: Harold Reedy ( Also refer to the document Agroforestry Strategic Plan 2003 for specific details to the plan.

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