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Environmental Farm Planning Program

Agricultural Policy Framework

The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Framework Agreement on Agricultural and Agri-Food Policy for the Twenty-First Century was signed by Canada and British Columbia in 2002. The Agreement requires the Parties to complete a basic agri-enviornmental scan to identify farms and regions requiring corrective action. The scan must take into account the agri-environmental factors that may pose a risk or provide benefits to air, soil, water and biodiversity.

Under contract to the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Lands and with guidance from officials with the Ministry and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Golder Associates facilitated seven regional workshops, in January and February of 2003, to identify regional issues with respect to air, soil, water and biodiversity and beneficial management practices needed to address the issues.

Results of the scanning workshops have been published by Golder Associates in a report titled "Regional Scan Summary, Environmental Farm Planning Program, Agriculture Policy Framework, British Columbia"

Please click here to access the Golder Associates' report.

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