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About Us

Partnerships British Columbia is a company responsible for bringing together ministries, agencies and the private sector to develop projects through public-private partnerships. As a company registered under the Business Corporations Act, Partnerships BC is wholly owned by the Province of British Columbia and reports to its shareholder the Minister of Finance.

Our mission at Partnerships BC is to structure and implement partnership solutions which serve the public interest. We are committed to transparent operations and achieving wide recognition for our innovation, leadership and expertise in public procurement.

Partnerships BC’s core business is to:

  • Provide specialized services, ranging from advice to project leadership/management, to government and its agencies with respect to identifying opportunities for maximizing the value of public capital assets and developing public private partnerships;
  • Foster a business and policy environment for successful public private partnerships and related activities by offering a centralized source of knowledge, understanding, expertise and practical experience in these areas; and
  • Manage an efficient and leading edge organization that meets or exceeds performance expectations.

The company’s clients are public sector agencies, including ministries and Crown corporations. To serve these clients effectively, Partnerships BC is also working to build strong relationships with private sector partners such as businesses, investors and the financial services sector.

The company’s organization, staffing and governance reflect and support this meshing of public and private sector interests. Partnerships BC has offices based in both Vancouver and Victoria to effectively meet the needs of partners in both sectors.


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