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  • BC Bid
    Public private partnership bid opportunities are posted to BC Bid by the BC public sector. There is no charge to view or download bid documents.
  • Government of British Columbia
    Government of British Columbia Home Page
  • Invest British Columbia
    Invest British Columbia is an alliance of agencies involved in attracting investment to the province. The alliance works together to assist companies considering locating a business in British Columbia.
  • Ministry of Transportation
    Home Page of the Ministry of Transportation for the province of British Columbia.
  • Ministry of Health
    Home page of the Ministry of Health for the province of British Columbia.
  • Provincial Treasury
    Provincial Treasury (Ministry of Finance) looks after the province's borrowing and financing needs, and manages banking and cash. These services are extended to all ministries, Crown corporations and public sector agencies.
  • The Revised Statutes and Consolidated Regulations of British Columbia
    Alphabetical listing of provincial statutes with associated regulations as provided by Queen's Printer. (This HTML version of the Statutes and Regulations of British Columbia is not the official version and is intended for private study or research purposes only).


  • Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships
    The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships conducts research, publishes research findings, facilitates forums for discussion and sponsors an annual national conference on topics related to domestic and international public-private partnerships.
  • Industry Canada (Public Private Partnerships Office)
    Industry Canada's Public-Private Partnership Office Web-Site provides a compilation of a wide variety of information and services on public-private partnerships.
  • Infrastructure Ontario
    Infrastructure Ontario is a crown corporation of the Ontario government dedicated to the renewal of Ontario's infrastructure: its public hospitals, courthouses, roads, bridges, water systems, and other public buildings.
  • PPP Quebec
    PPP Quebec was created in 2005 to advise the Quebec Government on any public private partnership matter, particularly regarding project selection and prioritization.


  • Ireland
    The Central Public Private Partnership Unit of the Department of Finance in Ireland has been established to lead, drive and coordinate public private partnerships in Ireland.
  • The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships
    The National Council for Public-Private Partnerships advocates and facilitates the formation of public private partnerships at the federal, state and local levels in the USA.
  • Netherlands Public Private Partnership Knowledge Centre
    The Public Private Partnerships Knowledge Centre in the Netherlands is part of the Dutch Ministry of Finance. It initiates and promotes public private partnerships, advises government agencies, and provides general information to the private sector.
  • Northern Ireland
    The Public Private Partnership Unit in the Department of Finance & Personnel in Northern Ireland has responsibility for implementation of Government policy and co-ordination of public private partnership within Northern Ireland departments.
  • Pacific Business and Law Institute
    The Pacific Business & Law Institute researches and organizes conferences on a diverse range of topics.
  • Partnerships UK
    Partnerships UK is a joint venture that acts as a public private partnership developer, working in partnership with public bodies.
  • Partnerships Victoria
    Partnerships Victoria is a policy of the government of the State of Victoria (Australia) developed to optimise the level of infrastructure spending through a responsible use of the resources of both the public and private sectors.
  • Scottish Executive Private Finance Unit
    The Private Finance Unit within the Scottish Executive Finance aims to provide guidance and support to both the public and private sectors on Private Finance Initiative in Scotland.
  • Working with Government - New South Wales
    This website has been developed by the New South Wales Government (Australia) to provide information related to the private financing of infrastructure and certain Government services.

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