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Alfalfa Disease Resistance Ratings

This publication provides disease ratings for registered varieties of alfalfa. Resistance to diseases can be an important consideration in the selection of an appropriate variety, but there are many other agronomic factors to consider as well. Not all of the varieties listed will be suitable for every region of British Columbia. Contact your local BCMAFF office for recommended varieties for your area.

Legend: HR = highly resistant; R = resistant; MR = moderately resistant; S = susceptible

Alfalfa Varieties Bacterial Wilt Verticillium Wilt Phytophthora Root Rot
Abacus HR HR HR
Abby HR R HR
AC Blue J HR HR -
AC Brador HR HR R
AC Caribou HR R MR
AC Grazeland R S -
AC Longview HR R -
AC Nordica HR S -
Advance R R MR
Affinity+Z HR HR HR
Alfagraze MR - S
Algonquin HR S S
Alouette R S S
Ambassador R R R
Amerigraze 401+Z HR HR HR
Anik S S -
Apica R S -
Apollo Supreme HR R R
Alfalfa Varieties Bacterial Wilt Verticillium Wilt Phytophthora Root Rot
Arrow HR R HR
Atomic HR R HR
Barrier HR S -
Beaver HR S -
Blazer XL R R HR
Cascadia ML HR R HR
Centurion HR R R
Choice HR HR HR
Class HR R HR
Esprit HR HR HR
Evolution HR R HR
Excalibur R R S
Excel R R HR
Forerunner HR HR HR
FS 444 HR R HR
FS 450 HR R HR
Geneva HR HR HR
GH 777 HR R HR
Gibralter R MR HR
Alfalfa Varieties Bacterial Wilt Verticillium Wilt Phytophthora Root Rot
Guardsman HR HR HR
Heinrichs MR S -
Horizon HR HR HR
Hornet HR R HR
Impact HR R R
Incentive HR R HR
Jackpot HR HR HR
Legend 2 HR R HR
Magnum Plus R S R
Magnum III R MR R
Magnum III-Wet - MR R
Magnum IV HR R HR
Majestic R HR R
MultiChoice HR R HR
MultiKing 1 HR R R
Multi-plier HR R HR
Multistar HR R HR
OAC Minto R S S
Oneida VR R HR R
Peace S S -
Alfalfa Varieties Bacterial Wilt Verticillium Wilt Phytophthora Root Rot
Pickseed 2065MF HR R HR
Pickseed 3006 HR MR R
Pickseed 8920MF HR R HR
Pickseed 8925MF HR R HR
Prevail HR R HR
Profit HR R R
Proleaf HR R HR
Quattro HR HR HR HR
Rambler MR S -
Rangelander S S -
Resistar H HR HR
Roamer MR S -
Runner HR S S
Saranac R S S
Spredor 2 R MR -
Stampeder - S -
Starbuck HR R HR
Starmaster R R R
Stockwell HR R HR
Surpass HR R R
Survivor HR R HR
Alfalfa Varieties Bacterial Wilt Verticillium Wilt Phytophthora Root Rot
Tartan R R HR
Tomahawk R MR MR
Trident II HR R HR
TrueNorth HR R HR
Ultra R R R
Vernal R S S
Viking 1 R HR R
Webfoot MPR HR HR HR
Wintergold HR HR R
WL 282 HR R HR
WL 324 HR R HR
WL 333 HR R HR
20-20 HR R HR
120 HR S R
630 HR MR R
5151 R - -
5246 HR R HR
5262 HR S R
5312 HR HR HR
5454 R MR HR
53Q60 HR R HR
53V08 HR R HR

Information on disease resistance was collected from a variety of sources. This information has the potential to change or be out-of-date.

Last Updated April 2004

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