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Eastern Filbert Blight

Eastern Filbert Blight was recently found at five sites (non-commercial) in the Abbotsford BC area. This is the first confirmed finding of this quarantine-significant disease in BC. To help prevent further spread, it is critical that local orchards are inspected for the disease and a preventive spray program started.

Disease Basics

Eastern filbert blight is a disease caused by the fungus Anisogramma anomala. In spring, spores are released from mature cankers in infected hazelnut trees. Wind-driven rain spreads spores to young, developing shoots, where infection occurs. No symptoms are visible for approximately 15 months. The second summer following infection, the fungus starts to produce the spore-producing structures that are used for identification. These structures will release spores the following spring. Vigour and productivity decline significantly when trees are infected with this fungus, resulting in an economically unproductive orchard.


Black, raised fungal bodies ("stromata") are produced in relatively straight rows lengthwise along the branch in cankers. Cankers are dead, sunken tissues along a branch. Cankers expand from year to year. If they girdle the branch, the branch will die. The disease resembles another infection, Eutypella sp., which produces similar structures. Eutypella, however, is found on dead wood and the fungal bodies are smaller.
filbert blight
Photo credit: Oregon State University and Jeff Stone

What to do:

  1. Scout orchards for disease and submit samples to the Plant Diagnostic Lab (1767 Angus Campbell Rd., Abbotsford BC, V3G 2M3; Phone: 604 556-3126) if you suspect your orchard may have the disease. Microscopy is needed to confirm any suspects. Most often, cankers are found in the tops of trees. Inspect dying branches for the fruiting bodies.

  2. Prune out any diseased cankers about 2-3 feet below the site of infection and burn diseased wood.

  3. Preventative sprays at bud break with copper oxychloride or Quadris (azoxystrobin) will  help to prevent new infections of eastern filbert blight. This preventative action is  recommended for cultivars that are highly susceptible (Ennis and Daviana). Protective sprays may also be warranted for the moderately susceptible varieties (Barcelona, Du Chilly, Butler, and others). A second application 2-4 weeks after the first spray has been shown to improve disease control. Note, copper sprays are also recommended for control of bacterial blight.

  4. COPPER sprays registered for control of filbert blight in Canada include Guardsman Copper Oxychloride 50 (PCP #13245) and UAP Copper Spray (PCP #19146).  Up to 3 applications of copper may be applied per year.

  5. QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide, PCP # 26153 is approved for control of eastern filbert blight in Canada. Protective applications may be applied from bud swell to bud break (approximately mid March to mid May), when tissues are susceptible. The label recommends two sequential applications followed by two or more applications of fungicides with different modes of action (copper). Do not use within 45 days of harvest. Do not allow drift onto apple or crabapple.

More information

Disease cycle and symptoms can be seen on the Oregon Eastern Filbert Blight Help Page website: http:// www. orst. edu/ dept/ botany/ epp/ EFB/
Note: Many of the chemical control recommendations are not registered in Canada.

Hazelnut Pest Management Guide for BC Commercial Growers - includes fungicide application rates

Link to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's Import regulation, D-00-03: Import Requirements from the United States and Domestic Movement Requirements for Corylus Material to Prevent the Introduction of Eastern Filbert Blight into British Columbia

For more information, contact:
Siva Sabaratnam or Mark Sweeney
BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Abbotsford Agriculture Centre
1767 Angus Campbell Road
Abbotsford, BC V3G 2M3
Phone: (604) 556-3001
Fax: (604) 556-3030
September 2004

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