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Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia lineatella)


Peach, apricot, nectarine, plum, prune


In the spring, larvae bore into buds and developing shoots causing them to wilt and die. Larvae of the summer generations attack the fruit, usually making several entry holes near the stem end. Damaged fruit and twigs exude gum.

peach twig borer damage Developing shoots of peach and apricot wilt in spring and die from burrowing larvae

Photo courtesy Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada

peach twig borer damage on fruit Summer generation larvae burrow into ripening fruit near stem end

Photo courtesy Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada


Larva - Reddish-brown with pale to white segments giving a ringed appearance; head and thorax dark brown to gray. Mature larvae up to 12 mm long.
Adults - Grayish moths, 11 mm long.

peach twig borer Peach twig borer larva


Life History

Overwinter as larvae on host trees and are active March to early May. First brood adults are present in May and June during which time they lay eggs on leaves, fruit or twigs. First generation larvae are present June through early August. Second brood adults appear in late July and lay eggs for the second generation of larvae, which appear in late September to feed for a short time before seeking overwintering sites. There are two generations each year with a partial third in some years.


Pheromone-baited traps are useful in monitoring male moths in order to properly time spray applications against spring and summer broods of larvae. Careful examination of developing shoots and buds (spring) and fruit (summer) for presence of larvae will also aid in proper timing of sprays.


Biological - Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) products have been effective if applied when larvae are first noticed and before they tunnel into twigs, buds or fruit.

Chemical - If an average of two or more first brood moths are caught per trap per week, apply treatments 10-14 days later to control adults and emerged larvae. To ensure good crop protection, continue monitoring for second brood moths until at least mid-August. If required, apply a second spray 10-14 days after the average catch of five moths per trap is exceeded. Endosulfan provides 2 weeks protection, azinphos-methyl 3 weeks, and phosmet 2 weeks. Recommended treatments and timing are:
Timing Product
pink (peach) endosulfan (Endosulfan or Thiodan50WP)
or azinphos-methyl (Guthion or Sniper 50WP)
or phosmet (Imidan 50%WP)
(peach and apricot)
Thiodan, Endosulfan, Guthion, Sniper, Imidan
peach only
or deltamethrin (Decis 5 EC)
Thiodan, Endosulfan, Guthion, Sniper or Imidan
(apricot and peach)
Thiodan, Endosulfan, Guthion, Sniper, or Imidan

February 2004

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