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Western Flower Thrips
(Frankliniella occidentalis)


Many woody and herbaceous plants.


Apple - White to pink irregular areas called pansy spots develop around egg punctures in young apple fruitlets, especially of McIntosh, as well as Spartan and Newtown apples.

pansy spot on apple
  • Pansy spot on apple

Cherry - Thrips laying eggs in the ovary of cherry flowers cause a dimple-like injury to form on mature fruit. Just as the fruit begins to colour the dimple appears as a bright red spot against the yellow-green background.

thrips dimple on cherry
  • Thrips dimple on cherry


Adult - Slender, tan to dark brown, 1.2 mm long, with narrow fringed wings.
Nymph - Similar to adult except wingless, smaller and yellow in colour.

western flower thrip
  • Adult western flower thrips
  • Photo courtesy Alberta Environmental Centre

Life History

Western flower thrips overwinter as adults in protected sites on the ground. In the spring, adults fly to flowers of many plant species where they feed on blossoms and insert eggs into the flower parts. Second generation adults insert eggs into young apple fruitlets during bloom and petal-fall.


No practical monitoring method has been developed for B.C.; however, their presence can be detected by using a beating tray when the blossoms begin to open.


Cultural - Do not mow blooming ground cover from 1 week before bloom until after petal-fall to reduce driving thrips up into apple trees.

Chemical - There is no recommended chemical control because of the danger to pollinators during bloom when thrips cause most damage. Also western flower thrips are resistance to most commonly used insecticides. Assail, Admire and Success applied against others pests during petal fall will control any thrips present, however not before some damage has been done.

February 2004

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