
Read this information carefully, and either download a Preliminary Subdivision Application or pick one up at your District Transportation office. Depending on the nature of the project and your experience with the process, you may need the services of a consultant to prepare the initial proposal.

Consider the following:

  • Is an adequate supply of potable water available? Are there water licences attached to the property? If so, you will need to amend the licenses before you subdivide. Please contact your regional Land and Water British Columbia Office for further information on amending water licences.
  • Is your land subject to natural hazards such as flooding, snow avalanche, rock fall, erosion, land slide, tidal action, and so on?  You may need to retain professional expertise to investigate.
  • Has the land been used for commercial or industrial purposes?  If so, the Contaminated Sites Regulation may apply.
  • How do you plan to dispose of sewage?  If you plan on-site disposal, is the soil on site suitable to receive waste?
  • Will your proposal have a significant environmental effect?  You should consider minimizing impacts by consulting Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection guidelines.
  • Are there sensitive or exceptional envoronmental values, especially riparian areas that may be affected? Check the Water Land and Air Protection Guide
  • Is there potential of archaeological or other heritage values on site that may be affected? You may be required to retain professional expertise to investigate.
  • Are there utility rights of way or easements on the site? Approvals may be required.
  • Does your proposal conform to existing covenants on the title?
  • Is your proposal in keeping with the land use bylaws of the local government body? If not, ask yourself whether you wish to redesign the proposal or apply to rezone the property before submitting your subdivision application. It is recommended that you discuss your intent with the local government prior to submitting an application.
  • Is your proposal affected by the Agricultural Land Reserve? If so, has the Agricultural Land Commission or local government, if delegated the authority, agreed to your subdivision?
  • Does the local government body have an established policy on the provision of parkland and open space?
  • Does the local government body have development concept plans to guide the format of subdivisions in your area?
  • Is the road serving as access to your property a public road?  The Transportation office can advise you.
  • Is the road leading to your property of sufficient standard to support your development ideas? Again your Transportation office can advise you if it is sufficient or if it needs improving before it can support further subdivision activity.
This guide is a living document; it is subject to change without notice. Please check the Rural Subdivisions Website ( to make sure you version is sufficiently current.