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1998 Biographies
- Mark Angelo
- Iona Campagnolo
- Brian A. Canfield
- Albert and Kathleen Dalzell
- Kenneth Georgetti
- Hilda Gregory
- Kazuko Komatsu
- Dr. Charles Laszlo
- Dr. Michael O'Shaughnessy
- Jane Rule
- Dr. Martha Salcudean
- Dr. Roger Tonkin
- Roy Henry Vickers


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Albert and Kathleen Dalzell - Port Clements

Kathleen Dalzell
Albert Dalzell
Betty and Albert Dalzell have made extraordinary contributions in recording the history of their beloved islands, the Queen Charlottes. Betty became a historian when her aging father worried the memories would fade with his aging generation. On a shoestring budget, Kathleen would travel to Victoria to pour over provincial archives. Her manual typewriter punched out three volumes: The Queen Charlotte Islands, 1774-1966; The Queen Charlotte Islands: Places and Names; and The Beloved Island. Recognized as most comprehensive references of the Queen Charlottes Islands, historians, anthropologists, island residents, mariners, and tourists refer to them for historical and geographical information. Betty and Albert have been involved in the founding of two museums -- the Haida Gwaii and the Port Clements. Albert’s carpentry and curatorial skills are seen in every display. Betty collected and catalogued some 3,000 photographs.



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