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1998 Biographies
- Mark Angelo
- Iona Campagnolo
- Brian A. Canfield
- Albert and Kathleen Dalzell
- Kenneth Georgetti
- Hilda Gregory
- Kazuko Komatsu
- Dr. Charles Laszlo
- Dr. Michael O'Shaughnessy
- Jane Rule
- Dr. Martha Salcudean
- Dr. Roger Tonkin
- Roy Henry Vickers


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Hilda Gregory - Vancouver

Click on image for full-size versionTrained at the University of Manchester, Hilda Gregory immigrated to Canada and founded the Vancouver Oral Centre for Deaf Children. The school’s principal for 33 years, she began with eight three-year-olds in a trailer annex to Sunnyhill Hospital. Today, the school’s curricula and methodologies are utilized throughout the continent. In 1981, the Vancouver Oral Centre for Deaf Children was selected "Program of the Year" by the Alexander Graham Bell Association in Washington, D.C. Serving on numerous international committees and participating in countless conferences, Hilda Gregory makes time to support the growth and development of teachers of the deaf. Her leadership led to the formation of the 127 Society for Housing, which created a facility of 87 units for men on welfare. A second project produced 78 more units, and a third project has provided 90 more. She continues as president of the society.


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