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2001 Biographies
· Robert Bateman
· Raffi Cavoukian
· Simon Charlie
· Judith Forst
· Dr. Chan Gunn
· Chester A. Johnson
· Sarah McLachlan
· Beverly Nann
· Myfanwy Spencer Pavelic
· Dr. Leonel Perra
· Dr. Hayward Rogers
· Sarah-Spring Stump
· Mervyn Wilkinson
· Ken and Jan Willoughby
· Dr. Yosef Wosk


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Chester A. Johnson - Garibaldi

Chester Johnson accepted daunting challenges in the corporate and public sectors and delivered results that exceeded expectations. While chairman of a sawmill group, he developed the concept and implementation of a chip export facility to solve the long-standing wood chip surplus problem. He was director of finance for Expo 86 and chair of the Vancouver Airport Authority, and is presently chair of the transportation committee for the 2010 Vancouver-Whistler Olympic bid. Among his awards is the Order of Canada.


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