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Hemerocallis (Daylily) Gall Midge
(Contarinia quinquenotata)

Biology and Symptoms:

The adult is a small, seldom seen fly that lays its eggs in daylily blooms. The maggots feed on unopened flower buds and cause them to become distorted and unable to open. Infested buds will contain numerous white maggots that are around 3 mm in length (Plate 2). This pest has the potential to become a serious problem for daylily producers.

infested buds Plate 1. Hemerocallis Gall Midge.
Normal bud above; two infested and swollen buds below.
Photo courtesy Jay Rowland c/o Pam Erikson.
infested bud with maggot Plate 2. Hemerocallis Gall Midge.
Infested bud with maggot indicated by arrow (maggot magnified in top right inset).
Photo courtesy Jay Rowland c/o Pam Erikson.

Known Distribution:

Lower Mainland and Bowen Island in British Columbia. The gall midge occurs commonly in Europe


  • Remove and destroy distorted buds (Plate 1).
  • There are no registered chemical control products but systemic insecticides are effective.
  • The planting of an early yellow daylily trap crop has been found to reduce the population in Southern England.

Further Information:

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