
The applicant submits the following to the District Transportation Office. Be as thorough as possible, since Ministry staff cannot process return applications with required items missing.

Required items include:

  • Subdivision application form
  • The Preliminary Subdivision Application fee
  • An authorization letter from the owner if someone else, such as an agent, is applying on the owner’s behalf
  • Original plus five copies of a sketch plan to scale of the proposed layout
Properly engineered drawings will be required for final approval. The sketch should contain:
  • The date it was drawn
  • The scale
  • North arrow
  • Legal description of the property being subdivided, and its adjacent properties
  • Outline of the subdivision in red or heavy black line
  • All proposed lots, remainders, parks, rights of way, easements and roads showing dimensions and areas
  • Any existing property lines or roads proposed to be removed, closed or relocated
  • All steep banks or slopes exceeding 2 m high and all slopes of 25% or greater, within or adjacent to the proposal area
  • Location of existing buildings and structures on the property and adjacent properties within 30m of property boundaries
  • Location of any onsite water sources to be developed
  • Approximate location of all existing and proposed utility services
  • Existing access roads and other roads and trails on the property (state names of roads)
  • Site locations of the soil inspection test holes and the percolation tests on each parcel
  • Approximate extent of area available for sewage disposal surrounding the test holes
  • Location of sewage disposal system and wells on adjacent properties within 30 m of property boundaries
  • Location of all water courses (seasonal or otherwise) and water bodies
Where the applicant plans to build a road, he or she should consider its design when configuring the lots. The sketch must include the approximate grades and widths of roads and a design profile. The design work should include a sample cross-section of the proposed road. The District Development Technician is available to provide advice.
  • Area Map showing location of the parcel (e.g. 1:5000 scale)
  • One copy of the current State of Title Certificate so that property encumbrances can be checked
  • Copies of any covenants, easements, rights-of-way or other charges registered against the title.  These are available through the Land Title & Survey Authority
  • A copy of Contaminated Sites Profile form or Contaminated Sites declaration statement, duly completed and signed

Include these items as well, where applicable

  • A copy of the Agricultural Land Commission application or approval (if located within ALR).
    While a developer can apply for subdivision approval before he or she receives permission to proceed from the Agricultural Land Commission or the local government if it has been delegated the authority, the Provincial Approving Officer can only grant approval if the proposal has been approved by the ALC
  • One copy of any the results of any test required by the Regional Health Authority
  • A municipal development permit and plan where applicable
  • A copy of BC Assessment Authority Tax Notice showing property tax classification

Collection of Information

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act was proclaimed on October 4, 1993. All personal and business information collected by the ministry is subject to the provisions of the Act.

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Land Title Act. The information collected will be used to process your preliminary subdivision application, and it may be necessary for the ministry to provide this information to other agencies (see Evaluation). If you have any questions about the collection, use and disclosure of this information, contact the District Development Technician at the nearest Ministry of Transportation office.

This guide is a living document; it is subject to change without notice. Please check the Rural Subdivisions Website ( to make sure you version is sufficiently current.