Fees and Costs

The plan examination fee is paid to the Minister of Finance for the final checking, approval, and signing of the subdivision plans.

The Ministry of Transportation does not collect fees required by other agencies.  However, the Provincial Approving Officer will reject the final plan for non-payment of fees. If re-approval is required, the exam fee is charged.

The fee for final subdivision plans for fee simple subdivisions in unorganized territories is set by B.C. Regulation 334/79 under the Land Title Act.  For bare land strata and phased strata proposals, the fees are set by B.C. Regulations 75/78 and 43/2000 respectively under the Strata Property Act.  Section 39(1) of the Financial Administration Act sets fees charged for issuance of subdivision plan Preliminary Layout Approval.

This guide is a living document; it is subject to change without notice. Please check the Rural Subdivisions Website (http://www.th.gov.bc.ca/DA/Subdivision_Home.asp) to make sure you version is sufficiently current.