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Waste Discharge Authorizations: Application Forms and Guidance

Permit Application Fees and Calculation of Approval Fees

Application fees for minor and major permit amendments, new permit applications, approval fees and annual permit fees are subject to the Environmental Management Act Permit Fees Regulation (B.C. Reg. 299/92). Exemptions from these fees are as listed in Section 5 of this regulation.

The proponent must pay a $200 application fee for:

  • Minor permit amendments;
  • Major permit amendments;
  • and New permit applications.

The proponents must also pay a one-time fee associated with any approval. There is no application fee for an approval, nor is there any subsequent annual fee for an approval.

In addition, should a permit be granted, the permit holder must pay an annual fee on the first anniversary date of the permit and each subsequent year, or 30 days after the date an invoice has been issued for the amount owing. The annual permit fee (not discussed further here) is a combination of a base fee and a variable fee based on contaminants from authorized discharges identified in the permit.

Instructions for Calculating Approval Fees
For each discharge itemized in Part 2 of the application form (Discharge Details), use the tables and formulas below to calculate the fee for each parameter in the application form. Then calculate the total approval fee.

Should you require assistance to determine the correct fee, please consult with the Ministry of Environment’s Environmental Protection Office in your region. (See Ministry Regional Offices.)

This fee must be paid in full before the approval can be processed. The fee should be submitted with the approval application package. Cheques, money orders or cash (if paid in person) are acceptable. Credit cards are not acceptable at this time. Cheques must be made payable to the Minister of Finance. Application fees and approval fees are non-refundable. Note the payment of the fee does not guarantee granting of the final application request.

(Schedules B, C and D of the Environmental Management Act Permit Fees Regulation)

Contaminant Fees for Solid Refuse Permits or Approvals
Fee per Tonne Discharged
Coarse Coal Refuse (annual fee is based on one day's average daily discharge of coarse coal refuse) $5.57/m3
Refuse $0.70/tonne


Contaminant Fees for Air Emission Permits or Approvals
Fee per Tonne
Carbon Monoxide
Chlorine and Chlorine Oxides
Hydrogen Chloride
Nitrogen Oxides
Sulphur and Sulphur Oxides
Total Particulate
Other  Contaminants not Otherwise Specified
* Units of asbestos are equivalent to 5 cubic metres of air emissions per minute at a concentration of 2 fibres per cubic centimetre.
Contaminant Fees for Effluent Permits or Approvals
Fee per Tonne
Nitrogen and Nitrates
Oil and Grease
Other Petroleum Products
Other Solids
Phosphorus and Phosphates


Suspended Solids
Other  Contaminants not Otherwise Specified


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Formula for Approval Fee Calculation:

Approval Fee = Base Fee + Variable Fee

Components of Fee Calculation

Base Fee: $100.00

Variable Fee: = annual loading (tonnes) x cost/tonne

Annual Loading: (Contaminant Concentration) X (Discharge Rate) X (Frequency) = Tonnes of Contaminant per year.

Cost per Tonne: Selected from the appropriate section of the above tables.

Examples of Variable Fee Calculation:

(Annual Loading expressed as tonnes/year) X (Cost per tonne of contaminant) = Variable Fee

a) Approval request: 4000 tonnes of refuse to landfill per year

Annual loading = 4000 tonnes

Cost/tonne of refuse = $0.70

Variable fee = (loading) x (cost) = (4000 tonnes) x ($0.70/tonne) = $2800.00

b) Approval request for a sewage effluent discharge:

BOD at a concentration of 45 mg/L; Flow = 1000 m3/d; Frequency = 365 days/year

Loading = (45 mg/L) (1 g/1000 mg) (1 kg/1000 g) (1 tonne/1000 kg) (1000 L/1 m3) (1000 m3/d) (365 d/y)

Loading = 16.425 tonnes/year

Cost/tonne of BOD = $19.36

Variable fee = (concentration) x (flow) x (frequency) x (cost)

Variable fee = (16.425 tonnes/year) x ($19.36) = $317.99

A Variable Fee should be calculated for EACH parameter from each discharge source. The TOTAL variable fee is the SUM of all fees for each parameter. Please include all written calculations with the payment. This will be used for verification purposes. Written calculations should identify discharge source, concentration parameters, frequency, any conversion factors and cost per tonne, the total variable fee and a total fee summary.

Updated: July 12, 2005


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