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WSD Home > Water Rights and Legislation > Water Utilities

Water Utilities

Under the Water Utility Act and the Utilities Commission Act the Comptroller of Water Rights, assisted by staff of the Utility Regulation Section, Water Management Branch, is responsible for the regulation of 178 privately owned water utilities serving approximately 20,000 households in the Province of British Columbia.

What is a Private Water Utility?

A water utility under the Water Utility Act is a person/business who owns or operates equipment or facilities for the delivery of domestic water service to five (5) or more persons or to a corporation for compensation. Private water utilities are usually created by developers to serve rural land development where community water service is required for subdivision approval and where there is no other water purveyor in the area that can provide service. A Water Utility is not a local authority such as a municipality, improvement district or local service area of a regional district and therefore not eligible for government funding such as infrastructure grants.

Why are water utilities regulated?

Private water utilities are regulated to protect the public interest because companies operate like a monopoly with no competition in the area of service they provide. They are responsible to ensure that adequate and safe water service is provided at a fair and reasonable price. Water rates are approved on the basis of collecting sufficient revenues to pay for operating costs including a provision for management fees and a contribution for future replacement of infrastructure.

What are the Utility Regulation Section Responsibilities?

The responsibilities of the Utility Regulation Section falls into two major categories: to assure that water systems installed by land developers are properly designed and constructed prior to the sale of lots, and to assure that the customers of the utility receive acceptable water service at reasonable rates. The Utility Regulation Section staff will assess each application for new systems, as well extensions to existing water systems, by evaluating the design and financial viability. The developer will be required to construct the water system to approve design standards and establish certain contingency funds as part of the approval process. Upon satisfying these requirements a recommendation is made to the Comptroller of Water Rights to issue a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity.

These requirements are in addition to approvals required by regional health authorities under the Drinking Water Protection Act and Drinking Water Protection Regulation or licensing of surface water sources under the Water Act and/or any other legislation.

Application Process

The Water Utilities application process requires a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) which is granted by the Comptroller of Water Rights (under authority from the Water Utility Act and the Utilities Commission Act). Ministry of Environment's Water Management Branch provides assistance in developing and delivering all of the necessary information required for the application process.

Things you should consider if you are thinking about forming a Water Utility:

Things to know if you own and operate a Water Utility:

  • The basic components of the water system including the age, condition and operating features and the long and short term maintenance requirements.
  • The rates should be adequate to provide for day to day operation and maintenance as well as to provide a reserve for future replacement.
  • How to apply for rate increases and extensions for water service.
  • An emergency plan in the event of a major system failure or health risk that requires the notification of your customers.

Things to know if you are a customer of a Water Utility:

Other Information:



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