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Plant Diagnostic Lab Submission Form

Please supply as much information as possible.  See below for details on how to make submissions.  All results are kept confidential.  Copy of results is sent to submitter only unless stated otherwise.

Grower Phone No. Submitted by Phone No.
Farm Name Fax No. Company Name Fax No.
Address Address
  Postal Code   Postal Code
Email Email
Copies of report to be sent to:

 Site of Sample Collection:
Lawn Garden Greenhouse Indoor Field
Nursery Orchard Golf Course Landscape Other
Priority Invasive Alien Species
  Urgent Routine Casual Research Specific Test

Collection Date Crop Variety Crop Age
Description of Symptoms (problem description, possible causes, specific questions, etc.)
Attach separate sheet if necessary.





Crop Size (ha, m2) % Affected Size Date Symptoms First Appeared
Distribution of Symptoms
  General     Random     Localized
Severity of Symptoms
  Slight     Moderate     Severe
Previous Crop Future Crop Other Crop or Weeds Showing Symptoms

Irrigation Type & Frequency

Overhead     Trickle    Other

Good     Fair     Poor
Describe Soil/Potting Mix:

Light     Medium     Heavy

pH Salts
Pesticides Used (Herbicides, Fungicides, Insecticides, Fumigants, Nematicides, Disinfectants, etc.).  Give rates and dates.

Before symptoms noticed:

After symptoms noticed:


Fertilizer Program:

Liquid     Granular     Slow Release     Organic     Other

Fee Schedule
Complete Diagnostic Procedure
Includes all tests that can be performed by the Plant Diagnostic Lab and are necessary to diagnose the problem. Cost per submission*:

Urgent - 3 days** $31.80
Routine - 7 days** $21.20
Casual - 14 days** $15.90

Complete Diagnostic Procedure Fee includes the Handling Fee ($10.00) and GST (6%)
Specific Tests - 3-5** days
For samples requiring only one test, or a combination of the tests listed below:
  • Insect Identification
  • Virus testing*** (TSWV, INSV,  PMMoV, PepMV or BBScV)
  • EC and pH (each soil sample)
  • Xcp -  (Xanthomonas bacterial blight of geranium)

$2 per specific test x number of samples/varieties + Handling Fee ($10.00) + GST (6%) = TOTAL

*Each crop (genus, species or variety) or sample taken from different locations is considered a separate submission. If the same problem is widespread on a number of plants of different general, species or varieties, a combined sample (plants chosen from different species or varieties) will be considered as one submission. A diagnostic report will be provided on the submission, not on individual plants.
**Diagnosis response time (working days) may vary depending upon the total number of submissions in the Plant Lab at a given time. Suggested time frame is not guaranteed. (Working Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday).
***Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus (INSV), Pepper Mild Mottle Virus (PMMoV), Pepino Mosaic Virus (PepMV), Blueberry Scorch Virus (BBScV)

(Working hours:  8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday)

Payment Method:

Cash/Cheque/Credit/Debit.  Enclose payment with sample.
Cheques payable to: Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations.

Lab Use Only
Date Received Mail  Courier
Payment Received
Yes    No
Specimen No.
Condition of sample at receipt: Cat. Reg.

Sample Packaging and Submission Information

“Send us lots, tell us lots, and keep it fresh”

  1. Specimens must be fresh. Wrap in plastic bags.
  2. For woody specimens – wrap in damp newspaper or paper towel to prevent drying out, or wrap in plastic bag.
  3. Try to send several plants or plant parts showing the various symptoms. Do not send badly decayed tissue. Include a healthy plant for comparison.
  4. Dig up plants rather than pulling them from the ground to preserve the roots. If plants are potted, send the whole pot.  Enclose base of the plant, roots and pots in a plastic bag that is secured at the plant crown to prevent drying of roots and contamination of leaves with soil.
  5. Enclose the top of the plant in a plastic bag secured at the plant crown or wrap carefully in newspaper.
  6. Include roots with samples showing symptoms of dieback.
  7. Turf disease samples should be at least 10 cm by 10 cm and as deep as the roots. Include the margin of the affected areas in each sample.
  8. Fill out the form with as much detail as possible, attach another sheet if necessary. Package securely, enclose appropriate payment and send to the address below. Diagnostic forms should never be packaged where they will be in contact with any soil or tissue.
Plant Diagnostic Laboratory
BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Abbotsford Agriculture Centre
1767 Angus Campbell Rd
Abbotsford BC V3G 2M3
Tel: (604) 556-3126
Fax: (604) 556-3154

Greyhound bus - Urgent samples can be sent prepaid via Greyhound, to the Abbotsford Bus Depot. Ministry personnel will collect packages from the bus depot. Send parcels early in the week (Monday - Wednesday) to ensure adequate delivery time.

Courier - Urgent or perishable samples should be sent by courier.

BCMAL Plant Diagnostic Laboratory

The BCMAL Plant Diagnostic Lab provides identification of pathogenic and non-pathogenic disorders affecting commercial crops in B.C. and promotes reduced pesticide use by making control recommendations which emphasize IPM (Integrated Pest Management). The Plant Diagnostic Lab is part of the Plant Health Unit in the Food Safety and Quality Branch. Its services help growers protect the production capability and marketability of their crops. The lab does not do soil or tissue, nutrient and/or chemical residue analysis.

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