Welcome to the BC Virtual Reference Desk. Let us point you to some of the best sites the Web has to offer.

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The BC Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) is designed to provide quick access to a virtual library of Web sites. While the VRD is relatively small compared to larger subject directories like Yahoo!, each site listed has been reviewed by librarians to ensure that the information provided is clear and reliable. Furthermore, each site included is accompanied by a short review.

The BC Virtual Reference Desk is best used to find one or a few Web sites introducing a topic. The VRD should point you in the right direction without producing a long list of Web sites to sort through and evaluate.

Do you have questions about books, loans or holds? You are not in your library’s Web site. Look for your public library on the VRD's list of BC public libraries. OutLook Online is an Internet catalogue of BC public and academic libraries.

BC residents: Can't find the information that you are looking for on the Web? Check your public library for the availability of e-mail reference service, or try Vancouver Public Library's E-mail Reference Service. If you need tips on how to use or search the World Wide Web for information, let us point you towards a good online Web tutorial. Check out our Kidz Stuff or our Teen Scene which both provide links to a host of creative and imaginative sites to amuse, inform, puzzle and entertain.

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DDC, Dewey, and Dewey Decimal Classification are registered trademarks of OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated.

The BC Virtual Reference Desk is a project of the British Columbia Library Association and the Libraries of British Columbia. Project assistance from the Public Library Services Branch, Ministry of Education.

© 1997 British Columbia Library Association. All Rights Reserved