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Parasitic Dodder - Weed Alert

Parasitic Dodder
(Cuscuta Sp.)

Family: Dodder

Other Names: strangleweed

Description: annual parasitic plant reproducing by seed

Stems: slender, thread-like yellow to orange twining stems coil around and attach to host plants with wart-like suckers

Leaves: no leaves or green parts

Flowers: tiny white flowers

Seeds: over 16,000 seeds per plant which can remain dormant and viable for over 60 years

Root: aerial roots and suckers


Dodder is a parasitic weed that attacks many vegetables, forage crops, ornamentals and native plants. Dodder attaches to a host plant, drawing off nutrients until the host is severely suppressed or killed. It can attack and parasitize any plant material including weeds, vegetables and ornamentals. Agricultural producers, home gardeners and nursery growers are requested to be on the lookout for this devastating parasitic plant and to take immediate corrective action if the weed is found or suspected.

What Can You Do?

  • learn to IDENTIFY dodder or take suspect plants to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to confirm identification.
  • take immediate action by BURNING or otherwise DESTROYING infested plant material.
  • thoroughly CLEAN equipment, tools, and footwear before leaving infested areas.
  • DO NOT TRANSPORT dodder-infested material unless securely packaged to prevent seeds and stems from escaping.
  • DO NOT HESITATE. Control infested patches IMMEDIATELY.

For more information contact the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

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