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Age Verification of Cattle

What it is

Canadian cattle producers have a world class industry-led system to identify individual animals using ear tags and electronic records.  Producers are also using this system to verify cattle ages to meet market requirements.

Age verification of cattle involves attaching the animal's actual birth date or calving start date to its identification number (ear tag).  This information can then be accessed in order to provide proof of the animal's age.

To register your cattle birth dates with the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency, select the REGISTER NOW link below or read on for further information.

Importance of age verification

Due to recent BSE cases in Canada, our major trading partners have placed restrictions on the allowable age of imported cattle and beef.  These trade markets, including Japan and the United States, demand age verified beef from young animals to meet their food safety requirements.  Canadian producers already have a system of individual animal identification that is envied around the world.  Adding cattle birth dates through age verification will support access to global trade markets.

Alberta has announced that it is moving towards mandatory age verification for cattle.  Industry consultations planned for spring 2007 will look at the requirements for regulatory change and determine a new target date for implementation.  As many British Columbia cattle are fed and finished in Alberta, producers here in B.C. should be aware of these regulations and prepare their herds by age verifying early.  Early registration will ensure that when age verification does become mandatory in Alberta, B.C. producers will be prepared and continue to have access to this market.


The Canadian animal identification system strengthens consumer and market confidence and is a leading innovation of the beef industry.  Age verification supports access to domestic and export markets and builds capacity to seize emerging market opportunities.

How it works

Age verification of cattle is simply a process of recording the actual birth date or calving start date of an animal into a national database.  (If the actual birth date is unknown, then a calving start date can be used to age verify calves in a group.)  This database, the Canadian Livestock Tracking System, is administered by the Canadian Cattle Identification Agency.  Only the original owner of the cattle can record birth dates or calving start dates for their animals.


The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency website provides access to the Canadian Livestock Tracking System, information about the program and instructional materials.


In order to activate an account for age verification, you will need the following information:

  • Operating/business name
  • Producer name
  • Business address and phone number
  • E-mail address
  • One tag number from production inventory

TIP:  While using the age verification database, producers should keep track of transaction id numbers and birth certificate numbers as they are created.  This will enable producers to recall information quickly and easily in the future.

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