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Cooperatives in British Columbia Agriculture


Features of Co-operative Businesses
Comparison of Co-operatives and Other Types of Business 
Why Do People Form Agricultural Co-operatives
Types of Agricultural Co-operatives
Co-operative Marketing Arrangements
New Generation Co-operative Profile
Potential Pitfalls for New Co-operatives 
Step 1 - Identify a Common Economic Goal
Determine Business Feasibility
Operating Cost Checklist
Feasibility Study Checklist
The Role of External Advisors
Step 3 - Develop a Business Plan
Sample Business Plan Outline
Step 4 - Draft Legal Papers and Incorporate
Co-operative Marketing Agreements 
Step 5 - Implement Business Plan and Begin Operations
Board and Management Responsibilities
Member Rights and Responsibilities Resources


What are Agricultural Cooperatives?
Why Do Producers Form Co-operatives?
Types of Agricultural Co-operatives
Feature: Co-operative Marketing Arrangements
Cooperative Finance
Acquiring Capital
Accumulating Equity
Co-operative Equity - Allocated and Unallocated
Co-operative Taxation
Redeeming Member Equity
Base Capital Plans
What is a Base Capital Plan?
How Does a Base Capital Plan Work
Advantages and Disadvantages of Base Capital Plans
New Generation Co-operative
What is a New Generation Co-operative
Feature: Co-operative Marketing Agreements How Does a New Generation Co-operative Work?
Feature: New Generation Co-operative Profile
Feature: Sample Rules for New Generation Co-operatives Advantages and Disadvantages of NGCs


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