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Survey Says ... Results of the Survey: Use of Computer Technology for Farm Management

The Farm Business Management Information Network for British Columbia (FBMInet-BC) conducted a survey in Spring 2000 to assess the interest and usage of computer technology by BC farm managers. This survey was conducted as part of a project funded by the Canada/BC Farm Business Management Program and the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Surveys were mailed to over 600 producers located throughout the province. The results presented in this factsheet are based on the answers from the 22% or over 150 producers that returned their surveys.

Demographics of Survey Respondents

Overall, survey respondents demographics covered a good range in terms of location, education, age, gross farm sales, and type of operation allowing results to be generalized to the entire province. See below for details.

Highest Formal Education
Age Category 
Gross Farm Sales
Type of Operation

Computer Usage, Ownership and Farm Management

Overall, the survey results indicate that BC producers are strong owners of computer technology with over 76 percent indicating they own a computer with a CDROM.

Ownership of Technology
Computer with CDROM 76.7%
Fax Machine 66.9%

Internet connection

Scanner 26.3%
Multimedia CDROM 18.8%

Survey results also indicate the following regarding computer usage and ownership by BC producers that currently own a computer:

  • Eighty six percent regularly use the computer for farm management related tasks.
  • Fourty nine percent indicated computers are extremely or very important to their farm management tasks.
  • Over thirty eight percent indicated computers have had a great effect on their work.
  • Fifty percent spend from 2 to 5 hours per week conducting farm management tasks on the computer.
  • Top farm management tasks completed with the computer are bookkeeping, email and correspondence.

These result clearly indicate BC producers view computer technology as a strong tool for conducting farm business management tasks. Details are included in the tables below.

Ranking of Importance of Computers for Farm Mgt. Tasks

Extremely 20.6%
Very 29.4%
Somewhat 33.3%
Not Very 10.8%
Not 5.9%
In the last five years, how much has your work been affected by the introduction of computers?
Greatly 38.2%
Somewhat 41.2%
Hardly 9.8%
Not at all 9.8%
Don’t know 4.9%
Percent of Respondents that Use Computers for the following tasks
Bookkeeping 79.4%
Email 70.6%
Correspondence 69.6%
Research and/or Information Gathering 57.8%
Income Tax/Financial 55.9%
Information Storage 49.0%
Marketing 39.2%
Inventory Management 30.4%
Crop Planning/Field Management 22.5%
Herd Management 15.7%
Other 11.8%
Numbers of hours per week farm managers spend on the computer specifically for farm mgt. tasks.
<1 hours 26.5%
2 to 5 hours 51.0%
6 to 10 hours 7.8%
>10 hours 8.8%
Internet Usage by British Columbia Producers**

** Ranked by those farm managers who currently own computers and have an Internet connection.

Survey results indicate that of the BC producers who have Internet connection:

  • Almost fifty percent access the Internet daily with the majority spending 1 to 5 hours per week on the Internet.
  • Over sixty percent spend over 10 percent of their time on the Internet accessing agricultural information.
  • Email is a major use for the Internet while chat groups are not as well utilized.
  • Experience on the Internet is high with fourty eight percent indicating usage of the Internet for 1 to 3 years.
  • Over ninety percent indicate their access to the Internet is via telephone connection.
  • Major uses of the Internet are for information gathering and email, with access to commodity prices, weather, and recreation/entertainment ranking next.

Overall these results indicate BC producers are relatively strong users of the Internet. Details included below.

How often do you access the Internet?

Every day 49.4%
Several times a week 35.3%
A few times a month 10.6%
Not in the last month 4.7%
How many hours per week, on average, do you spend on the Internet?

One hour per week 23.5%
2 to 5 hours per week 57.6%
6 to 10 hours per week 9.4%
More than 10 hours 8.2%
What proportion of the total time that you spend on the Internet is used to access agricultural related information?

Less than 10 percent 40.0%
10 to 29 percent 30.6%
30 to 49 percent 11.8%
50 to 70 percent 7.1%
Greater than 70 percent 9.4%
How often do you access the Internet for email?

Every day 50.6%
Several times a week 27.1%
A few times a month 17.6%
Not in the last month 0.0%
Don’t know 1.2%
Internet Usage
Do you use the Internet for email? 95.3%
Do you have your own web page? 15.3%
Do you use the Internet for chat lines or newsgroups? 10.6%
What key activities do you use the Internet for?

Email 92.9%
General Information Gathering 89.4%
Commodity Prices 35.3%
Weather 52.9%

Recreation/Entertainment 49.4%
Specific farm management information 35.3%
Marketing 34.1%
Banking/E-commerce 34.1%
Regulations/Government programs or services 30.6%
Commodity Production/Technical Information 28.2%
Other 4.7%

Internet and Farm Business Management Information**

** Ranked by those farm managers who currently own computers and have an Internet connection.

Survey results indicate that BC producers are :

  • Using the Internet to search for information from a wide range of topics with agricultural information being a top area of research.
  • Getting results from the Internet but are still concerned with issues of connection problems, lack of time and inexperience.
  • Attributing not being able to find what they want on the Internet to sites having a lack of quality, not enough ag-related content and their own difficulty in searching.
  • Using the area of FBMInet-BC including Ag Internet Directory, Current Reports, as well as Business, Financial and Human Resource planning information.

Details below.

What information have you used the Internet to search for over  the last month?

Agricultural related 78.8%
Business or Economic news 57.6%
Travel 55.3%
Government Programs 42.4%
Arts, Entertainment or Sports 34.1%
Education or Training 34.1%
Computers and the Internet 29.4%
Local Community Services or Activities 28.2%
Why are you not able to conduct specific search activities on the Internet now?

Connection problems, too slow, technical 40.0%
Lack of time 32.0%
Inexperience 32.0%
Dial in time limitations 24.0%
Other: 28.0%
When you are looking for some kind of information about your commodity area or farm business management, are you generally able to find it?

Yes 57.6%
No 29.4%
What categories from the FBMInet-BC main web page ( would you be likely to access?

Agricultural Internet Directories & Internet related information 69.4%
Commodity & Production Information 61.2%
Market Reports, News & Weather 61.2%
Business planning information 38.8%
Financial worksheets & Bookkeeping information 45.9%
Human Resource/Farm Employer 22.4%


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