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B.C. Facts

B.C. Spirit Squares

Wouldn’t it be great to have a space to hold live open air concerts, cultural festivals and other public events… a space to celebrate BC2008 to its fullest? The provincial government is investing $20 million to help communities across British Columbia build B.C. Spirit Squares.

Click here to learn more.

"We are coming in 2008 to our 150th anniversary of British Columbia being formed. It is a time for us to celebrate. It is a time for us to think about what we’ve been able to accomplish, to reflect on our past, and more importantly there are often times when we can think about our future. We want our cities, our towns, our First Nations to join in the celebration..."

- Honourable Gordon Campbell, Premier of British Columbia

Speech to the Union of B.C. Municipalities Annual Convention
October, 2006

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B.C. History


Celebrating 150 Years of B.C. Achievement

You’re invited to join the celebration…

In 2008, B.C. is celebrating 150 years of cultural diversity, community strength and widespread achievement since the founding of the Crown Colony of British Columbia in 1858.

From the diverse culture of B.C.’s First Nations, reaching back thousands of years, through to the years of exploration and gold rush, to the founding of the Colony of British Columbia in 1858 and on into a new century of achievement and innovation, B.C. has a fascinating story to tell.

We’re going to proudly showcase First Nations heritage, our rich cultural diversity, our shared history and our many accomplishments. We’re going to build on our momentum to focus on the future.

No one celebrates like B.C., and in 2008, we’re going to celebrate every day for a year. Exhibitions. Festivals. Contests. It’s all coming. In every community. Right here in B.C. – the Best Place on Earth.

You’re invited!

The Government of B.C. is investing in sesquicentennial activities over the next three years for this celebration, and planning is already under way.

Our website will be expanding over the coming months. Don’t forget to check back often for exciting updates on BC2008 festivities and lots of other fun stuff.