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Heritage Branch 

British Columbia's historic places - buildings, structures, landscapes, historic districts and other places of heritage value - are crucial to our understanding of the identity and character of our communities. By conserving and celebrating these places, we can ensure that they remain a part of our future.

Through its programs, the Heritage Branch encourages and facilitates the protection and conservation of heritage property in British Columbia. The responsibilities of the Heritage Branch include:

  • Providing advice and information to the Minister, local governments and others on heritage conservation legislation, policy and best practices.
  • Building partnerships with other levels of government, institutions, non-profit organizations and the private sector to facilitate increased investment in heritage initiatives and build capacity for community heritage conservation.
  • Collaborating with the Government of Canada, through the Parks Canada Agency, on national heritage initiatives, including BC's participation in the Historic Places Initiative.
  • Exercising regulatory authority under the Heritage Conservation Act regarding the protection and alteration of designated heritage sites and the management of the BC Register of Historic Places.
  • Developing and monitoring long-term agreements for the management of Provincial heritage properties by local governments, non-profit organizations and private businesses.

These responsibilities flow from the general purpose statement in Section 2 of the Heritage Conservation Act, which states that "The purpose of this Act is to encourage and facilitate the protection and conservation of heritage property in British Columbia."


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