Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
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Health and Human Services Library

Welcome to the provincial government's Health and Human Services Library. We are skilled at providing global connections to health and social sciences information for public policy-makers and professionals throughout British Columbia.

Full services are available to:

  • Ministry of Health staff;
  • Ministry of Children and Family Development staff;
  • health units and mental health centres operating outside of the Capital Health Region and metropolitan Vancouver areas;
  • B.C. Centre for Disease Control.

Limited on-site library services are available to:

  • other B.C. government staff;
  • health sciences and social work students;
  • members of the public.

What's New

In September 2002, the Ministries of Health Planning & Health Services Library and the Ministry of Children and Family Development Library merged to form the new Health and Human Services Library, serving MoH and MCFD staff and regional library clients. By combining staff expertise and collection resources, we are able to offer comprehensive, efficient and cost effective library services to all three ministries and related client groups. Read more about the Library here.

Last Revised: June 30, 2006
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