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A Guide to Fruit Tree Sprays
for the Home Garden


As an owner of backyard fruit trees, you should make every effort to control the insect pests and diseases listed in this guide to reduce risks to your neighbours and especially to nearby commercial orchards. Use gardening practices that discourage or prevent development of pest problems. Consult local nurseries, garden centres, or the Home & Garden Pest Management Guide for BC for information on fruit tree management practices that prevent pest problems and improve fruit quality and quantity.

This guide provides recommended pesticides and cultural practices to control common diseases and insect pests of fruit trees. Only use pesticides when all other efforts to protect the fruit and trees have failed. The tables list only the common names of pesticides (e.g. carbaryl, ferbam) that may appear on the labels of products with different trade names. The common name appears in the guarantee statement on the front of the product label.  Many products contain more than one chemical (e.g. insecticide plus fungicide).

Always read the pesticide label or enclosure for proper application rates, mixing instructions, and safety precautions. Check with your local garden centre/nursery for seasonal appearance of pests and diseases which can vary throughout Southern BC.

After spraying trees, wash spray residues off vegetation beneath and around the trees. Be careful not to spray nearby vegetables, especially when close to harvest. Contact with treated foliage should be avoided for two days after spraying.

Select disease-resistant varieties when planting. Prune trees in dormant season or summer to open up canopy to improve exposure of fruit to sun, air circulation and spray coverage of leaves and fruit. Remove all fruit from the trees at harvest and destroy any insect-infested or disease-infected fruit to reduce the risk of problems the following year.

Commercial pest control companies with licensed pesticide applicators have access to newer and more effective agricultural pest control products that are not available to the home gardener.

Preharvest Intervals

(Days required between pesticide application and fruit harvest)
Pesticide Product type Apple Apricot Cherry Peach Pear Plum
Bacillus thuringiensis* I 0 0 0 0 0 0
captan1 F 7 7 7 7 7 7
carbaryl I 7 7 7 7 7 7
copper oxychloride* F N/R 1 1 (sour) 1 1 N/R
copper sulphate* F 1 N/R N/R 1 N/R N/R
dicofol M 7 14 7 14 7 7
dimethoate3 I 28 N/R 21 N/R 14 N/R
endosulfan I N/R N/R N/R 15 N/R 15
ferbam2 F 7 N/R 7 21 7 14
folpet F 1 N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R
lime sulphur* F dormant spray only
malathion I 7 7 7 7 7 7
permethrin I 7 N/R N/R 7 7 7
phosalone2 I 7 N/R 7 21 7 14
insecticidal soap* I 0 0 0 0 0 0
sulphur* F 1 N/R 1 1 1 1

F = Fungicide, I = Insecticide, M = Miticide, N/R = Not Registered,

1 Only available in mixtures of captan + carbaryl or captan + malathion + carbaryl
2 Only available in mixtures of ferbam + phosalone
3 Dimethoate can only be applied to backyard fruit trees by licensed pesticide applicators.

Pesticide Regulations

Gardeners can only use those pesticide products that include the word DOMESTIC on the label.

Poison symbols on the label indicate the toxicity in diminishing order: 
danger symbol warning symbol caution symbol

Always keep pesticides in lockable, ventilated, cool, dry storage. Keep powders and dusts dry and cool and do not freeze liquid products.


Timing Pests/Comments Suggested Chemicals Special Instructions/
Cultural Practices
Late Dormant to 1/2" Green Aphids, Mites & Scale Insects
(lime sulphur can harm beneficial mites)
Dormant Oil
or Lime Sulphur
Do not apply below 4oC or if freezing temperatures forecast before the spray is dry. Thorough coverage is necessary.
Pink bud to Petal Fall, Summer Leafrollers
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
or Carbaryl
or Malathion
Apply Bt during bloom and/or petal fall; apply later in day when no threat of rain within 24 hours after use. Thin fruit to singles to reduce damage.
Pink bud and/or Petal Fall Powdery Mildew Sulphur Prune branch tips with white powdery appearance in early spring.
Pink bud and/or Petal Fall Apple Scab Captan1
or Folpet
or Sulphur
Rake up and remove fallen leaves in the fall or spring
10 Days after Petal Fall to September Codling Moth Malathion
or Phosalone2
or Carbaryl
Apply when codling moth damage first appears (stings) and at intervals specified on the labels. Destroy all infested fruit. Wrap corrugated cardboard around truck in June to capture larvae for destruction. Reapply bands in July and destroy during the winter. Thin fruit to singles to reduce damage.
10 Days after Petal Fall Powdery Mildew Sulphur
10 Days after Petal Fall Apple Scab Captan1
or Folpet
or Sulphur
Wet years only. See cultural practices above.
Summer Aphids Insecticidal Soap
or Malathion
or Phosalone2
Spray only if fruit/leaves become sticky with honeydew and if ladybugs or other predatory insects are not present.
Summer Apple Maggot Carbaryl
or Phosalone2
or Permethrin
Also treat crabapples and hawthorn trees. Destroy infested fruit before maggot leaves fruit (before harvest).


Timing Pests/Comments Suggested Chemicals Special Instructions/
Cultural Practices
Full Dormant Blister Mites, Rust Mites, Psylla, Scale, Aphids Dormant Oil
Dormant Oil plus Lime Sulphur
See instructions under apples. Good coverage essential.
Pink to Petal Fall, Summer Leafroller Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
or Carbaryl
or Malathion
See special instructions under apples.
When present Pear Slug Insecticidal Soap  
1st Week of August Codling Moth Carbaryl
or Phosalone2
See instructions under apples.
When present Mites Insecticidal Soap
or Dicofol
or Malathion
or Sulphur


Timing Pests/Comments Suggested Chemicals Special Instructions/
Cultural Practices
Petal Fall Peach Twig Borer   Check for and destroy infested shoots (flagging). Leafroller sprays will help control twig borer.
Pink Stage Brown Rot Blossom and Shoot Blight Captan1 Remove and destroy mummified fruit from previous year before bloom. Fungicide/insecticide mixtures should not be used at bloom to protect bees.
Petal Fall, Summer Leafrollers Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
or Carbaryl
or Malathion
See special instructions under apple.
Husk Fall Coryneum Blight Ferbam2 Treatment at husk fall helps to prevent fruit infection.
Husk Fall Peach Twig Borer   Check for and destroy infested shoots (flagging). Leafroller sprays will help to control twig borer.
Husk Fall Earwigs Tangle Foot Apply in narrow band around trunk at waist level when earwigs first noticed. Maintain to harvest. Trap earwigs in rolled newspaper or cardboard and destroy.
Ripening Fruit Brown Rot
(wet years only)
Captan1 Collect and destroy rotten fruit from the tree and the ground. Observe pre-harvest intervals.
July Peach Tree Borer   Examine crown area for larvae under bark and destroy (look for masses of sap or pitch).
Early September Coryneum Blight Fixed Copper Fall copper treatments help to prevent twig cankers. Prune out infected twigs during the dormant season.


Timing Pests/Comments Suggested Chemicals Special Instructions/
Cultural Practices
Petal Fall to Harvest Leafrollers Bacillus thuringiensis
or Carbaryl
or Malathion
See special instructions under apples. Observe pre-harvest intervals.
When present Aphids Insecticidal Soap
or Phosalone2
or Malathion
Sprays for fruit fly will control aphids and pear slugs. See instructions under apple.
Yellow to Pink Colour Change to Harvest Cherry Fruit Fly Dimethoate3
or Carbaryl
or Phosalone2
Dimethoate can burn some varieties of cherry. Apply dimethoate first as fruit changes color, then apply another product to protect fruit until harvest. Alternatively, apply other products at intervals specified on the labels, in rotation, beginning as described above. Observe pre-harvest intervals. Remove all fruit at harvest.
Ripening Fruit Brown Rot (wet years only) Captan1
or Ferbam2
Collect and destroy rotten fruit from the tree and the ground. Observe pre-harvest intervals.

Peaches and Nectarines

Timing Pests/Comments Suggested Chemicals Special Instructions/
Cultural Practices
Dormant Mites, Scale, Aphid Dormant Oil See instructions under apples. Lime sulphur should be applied just before bud break for Leaf Curl control.
Leaf Curl, Mites, Scale, Aphid Dormant Oil plus Lime Sulphur
Pink Stage Peach Twig Borer   Check for and destroy infested shoots (flagging).
Pink Stage Brown Rot Blossom Blight Captan1 Remove and destroy mummified fruit from previous year before bloom. Fungicide/insecticide mixtures should not be used at bloom to protect bees.
Petal Fall Peach Twig Borer   Check for and destroy infested shoots (flagging).
Husk Fall Coryneum Blight Ferbam2 Treatment at husk fall helps to prevent fruit infection.
When first noticed Earwigs Tangle Foot Apply in narrow band around trunk at waist level and maintain until harvest.
Early July and Mid July Peach Tree Borer Endosulfan Spray trunk and lower limbs at 2 week interval. Examine crown area for larvae under bark and destroy (look for masses of sap or pitch).
Ripening Fruit Brown Rot
(wet years only)
Captan1 Collect and destroy rotten fruit from the tree and the ground. Observe pre-harvest intervals.
September Coryneum Blight, Leaf Curl Fixed Copper
or Copper Sulphate
Prune out infected twigs during the dormant season.

Prunes and Plums

Timing Pests/Comments Suggested Chemicals Special Instructions/
Cultural Practices
In some years no sprays are required on prunes and plums.
Petal Fall to Harvest Leafrollers Bacillus thuringiensis
or Carbaryl
or Malathion
See special instructions under apples. Observe pre-harvest intervals.
Early July and mid July Peach Tree Borer Endosulfan Spray trunk and lower limbs at 2 week interval. Examine crown area for larvae under bark and destroy (look for masses of sap or pitch).
Ripening Fruit Brown Rot
(wet years only)
or Ferbam2
Collect and destroy rotten fruit from the tree and the ground. Observe pre-harvest intervals.

1 Only available in mixtures of captan + carbaryl or captan + malathion + carbaryl
2 Only available in mixtures of ferbam + phosalone
3 Dimethoate can only be applied to backyard fruit trees by licensed pesticide applicators.

Revised September, 2006

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