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Japanese Cedar Longhorned Beetle

The Japanese cedar longhorned beetle, (Callidiellum rufipenne), is a wood-boring beetle of East Asian origin. It was considered to only attack dying trees, until recently found attacking healthy arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis, or northern white-cedar) in Connecticut. In North Carolina, it has been found attacking stressed and dying Thuja trees.

The North American range of the Japanese longhorned beetle is not known. The insect has been frequently intercepted at U.S. ports of entry in primarily Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) dunnage (packing material), and has probably been established in the United States for a number of years.

The Japanese Cedar Longhorn Beetle is not known to occur in Canada. It is not currently under regulatory control, however its introduction would represent a significant threat to the B.C. nursery industry.

Japanese Cedar Longhorn Beetle Japanese cedar longhorn beetle adults - male (darker, longer antennae) & female
Photo Credit: Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station Archives. Image 3047055. February 19, 2002.


Cedar longhorn beetle adults range in size from 6 to 12 mm long. The males are blue-black with reddish areas on the upper corners of the wing covers. Females have brownish-yellow wing coverings, orange-red abdomen with brown legs. Male beetles have antennae slightly longer than their body. Female antennae are slightly shorter.

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