Your Questions Answered

During the Conversation on Health, the following answers were created from the most frequently asked questions.

Questions were gathered through the website, 1-800 number, email, mail in and forum dialogue.

Lorne from Victoria asks about federal government funding for hip replacements. Lorne from Victoria asks about the new Jubliee Hosptial tower. Kevin from Vancouver asks about a graduated legal smoking age. Ken from Prince George asks incentives to attract doctors to rural areas. Rene from Surrey asks about prescription renewal methods. Participants ask how their input will be used. Tim asks about the process of dedicating operating rooms to specific tasks. Pat in Victoria asks about health pressures nation wide. British Columbians have asked about waitlist priority Wayne from Vancouver asks about a Health Professionals Network Dee Wejr, Enderby City Councillor, asks George Abbott About Assisted Living and Supportive Housing units. Lori in Vancouver asks Murray Coell, Minister of Advanced Education, about keeping newly graduated BC doctors and nurses in BC. Dianne Watts, Mayor of Surrey asks George Abbott about the qualifications and training provided for immigrating nurses and doctors. Calvin Kruk, Mayor of Dawson Creek asks Minister George Abbott about Healthcare in Northern British Columbia. Heidi asks Health Minister George Abbott about support for mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction A number of British Columbians have asked Health Minister George Abbott about access to MRI scans. Connie asks Finance Minister Carole Taylor about where Health Care dollars are spent. A number of British Columbians have asked Education Minister Shirley Bond about the prevention of chronic disease. Jacquie asks Health Minister George Abbott about substance abuse. Norman asks Health Minister George Abbott about wait times. Stewart asks Minister of State for ACTNow BC Gordon Hogg about funding to expand bike lanes. Peter asks Health Minister George Abbott about private clinics. Heather asks Minister of State for ActNow BC Gordon Hogg about funding for healthy living. Monica asks Health Minister George Abbott about caring for the mentally ill.


Milestones in Public Health Care