Queen's Counsel

Nomination Process

September 2006


Under the Queen's Counsel Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Attorney General, may bestow on lawyers in British Columbia the honorary title of Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) to recognize exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession.

Historically, the Law Society of British Columbia has administered an informal process for seeking Q.C. nominations each fall. To make this appointment process more transparent and accessible, the Ministry of Attorney General now has a formal system for nominating candidates.

The Process

In September of each year, the Attorney General will send a call for nominations letter to the Judiciary, the Law Society of B.C., the B.C. Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, and the Trial Lawyers Association.

Anyone, outside of an immediate family member or candidates themselves, can make a nomination by filling out a standard application form. The application package must include:

A statement of support from two nominators

  • A nominee's c.v. or brief biography
  • As well, the package may include not more than five letters of support.

All nominations are confidential. Nominators may be contacted to clarify information provided, but will not be updated on the status of the application. Application information will not be made public.

Unsuccessful candidates may be nominated in subsequent years; however, a complete application is required for every nomination.

The application must be postmarked or e-mailed or faxed no later than MIDNIGHT on November 1, 2006. Appointments will be announced at the end of the year.

Criteria for Candidates

Candidates must:

  1. Belong to the B.C. Bar, and have been members for at least five years.
  2. Demonstrate professional integrity, good character, and excellence in the practice of law. Such excellence could be determined by any of the following conditions:
    • They are acknowledged by their peers as leading counsel or exceptionally gifted practitioners.
    • They have demonstrated exceptional qualities of leadership in the profession, including in the conduct of the affairs of the Canadian Bar Association, the Law Society of British Columbia and other legal organizations.
    • They have done outstanding work in the fields of legal education or legal scholarship.

Advisory Committee

All applications will be reviewed by an advisory committee, which will also recommend deserving candidates to the Attorney General. The committee includes:

  • The Chief Justice of British Columbia.
  • The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia.
  • The Chief Judge of the Provincial Court.
  • The President of the Law Society of British Columbia.
  • A member of the Law Society appointed by the Benchers.
  • The Deputy Attorney General.

The Attorney General continues to be able to directly appoint exceptional lawyers who meet the eligibility criteria. It is expected that this power will normally be exercised in exceptional circumstances only.


Office of the Deputy Attorney General
11th Floor, 1001 Douglas Street
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9J7

Phone: 250 356-0149
Email: AGDeputyQCAppt@gov.bc.ca